Orlando Community Pledge

The City of Orlando has been a leader in creating social justice since the 1970’s, believing that everyone should have equal opportunities in all aspects of life, including in employment, education, housing and public accommodation.

The Orlando Community Pledge offers an opportunity for every individual and organization to stand with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, his MLK Commission and our city to denounce racism and discrimination. Standing (virtually) shoulder to shoulder united in our core beliefs is a powerful statement, an even more powerful effort will be answering the call to action.

We invite you to stand with us. Sign the pledge to denounce racism and discrimination, and attend these and other upcoming programs of community engagement to learn and share your ideas for a stronger, more united Orlando.   


We condemn racism and discrimination in all forms and commit to equality, justice, peace, respect and inclusion for all through equity, service and action in our daily lives. 

Sign the pledge