Social Media



City of Orlando Social Media Guide

1. Use of Social Media Sites

a) If a social media site used by the City allows for comments to be posted by the public and that feature cannot be turned off, the Office of Communications and Neighborhood Relations reserves the right to edit or remove content based on the criteria listed below. The City’s intent is not to create a public forum, but to maintain a moderated online discussion directly relating to topics posted by the City that is appropriate for citizens that are age 13 and older to read.

Criteria to edit or remove content:

Comments not topically related to the particular article being commented upon;
Profane language or content;
Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation;
Sexual content or links to sexual content;
Solicitations of commerce;
Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or
Content that violates a copyright, trademark or other legal ownership interest of any other party’
Disparaging personal remarks or acrimony towards another person
Campaign information from a candidate for elected office or information related to a candidate’s personal campaign

b) Social network sites shall be used to promote the City, City services, job opportunities and City events.

c) City use of social media sites will comply with City Policy & Procedures 800.5, Ethics, and 808.18, Participation in Political Campaigns.

d) All social media sites shall clearly indicate that they are maintained by the City of Orlando and shall have City of Orlando contact information available on the site as well as the City’s social media disclaimer.

e) No City employee personal e-mail addresses should be posted on these sites.

f) Any social media site used for City business must be approved by the Office of Communications and Neighborhood Relations and Neighborhood Relations.