City Sidewalk Construction

Last updated on May 27, 2022

An image of a concrete sidewalk path parallel to a brick wall.

The City of Orlando is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and connected pedestrian system. Our contractor makes improvements to our existing sidewalk network year-round. Neighborhoods or businesses receiving sidewalk improvements will receive notification via a door hanger attached to their front door or garage.

Making improvements to the pedestrian sidewalks enhances urban connectivity and allows constituents to easily transverse their communities.

The City's Public Works Department is closely monitoring the global supply chain issue, labor shortages, and increases in the price of materials.

The competitive bid contractor and the City will strive to complete a capital improvement project on time and within budget. However, due to circumstances outside the control of both entities, there may be delays in necessary materials, potential for projects to be completed over budget, and potential delays.

We will continue to work with the community and our stakeholders to address the abovementioned issues and return normalcy to a community.


Hours of operation are 7 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Saturdays may be used as an extra workday to help expedite project completion and return normalcy to a neighborhood. There may be times when work on Saturdays is necessary should unforeseen conditions or adverse weather occur. 

First responders and emergency vehicles will have access to the immediate and surrounding areas should an emergency occur. 

Please be advised that a cutting saw is necessary to remove concrete slabs deemed in need of replacement; therefore, constituents may experience an increase in noise during project hours. 

Residents and businesses may experience one or all of the following during the project:

  • An increase in noise during project hours.

  • Temporary roadway detours and closures.

  • Sidewalk closures and detours near and where work occurs.

  • Sometimes, a flagging operation is necessary to assist travelers near a project location. 

  • Construction near or between driveways, pedestrian walkouts, and roadway intersections.

  • Work crews leaving and returning frequently throughout the day.

  • The staging of equipment and materials as work progresses.

  • Often residents will see a concrete truck waiting in preparation for a concrete pour. 

Should any of the abovementioned occur, the contractor will work with constituents to maintain access and identify feasible solutions to concerns.

Please be advised, writing on new sidewalk, walking on fresh concrete intentionally or unintentionally within the public right-of-way is a violation of Municipal Code Section 43.71 - Writing or Painting Advertising Mater on Streets and Sidewalks.

It shall be unlawful for any person to write, print, mark, paint, stamp or paste any sign, notice or advertisement upon the surface of any sidewalk or paved street in the City.

The contractor may opt to work with code enforcement or law enforcement to take the necessary and appropriate actions.

For more information, please visit

How Long Will This Project Last?

The contractor will place a door hanger at addresses detailing the duration of the project. However, sidewalk improvements can last anywhere between 30 days to 90 days. Please be advised, adverse weather or unforeseen circumstances can increase the project's duration. 

Will The Contractor Repair My Pedestrian Walkout Leading To My Front Door?

No. The contractor will only make improvements within the public right-of-way. The contractor cannot and will not make improvements on private property. However a homeowner may hire a contractor at their convenience and at their own expense. 

What If I Need Emergency Services?

Should you experience an emergency, please dial 911. First responders and emergency vehicles will have access to the neighborhood. 

Will I Have Access To My Home?

The contractor will coordinate with any homeowner directly impacted by the project. The contractor will assist homeowners with appropriate accommodations to maintain access to their properties.

Why Would The Contractor Need To Work On Saturday?

Sometimes, after a heavy rain event, the contractor will need to survey, restore, or repair the area to continue the project.

Despite the contractor's planning efforts, sometimes there are unforeseen conditions or circumstances. Work on Saturday allows the contractor to make up for delays, keeping the project on schedule and finishing on time.

I Am Expecting A Package or Use a Delivery Service, What Now?

It is in the homeowner's or business-owner's benefit to notify service providers about the project within the neighborhood when scheduling or utilizing a delivery service. 

The City's does an excellent job notifying stakeholders about improvement projects. However, a few independent delivery services do not subscribe to our notification system.

Will My Landscape Company Still Have Access to Continue Cutting And Trimming My Yard?

Yes. Your landscape company may still access the neighborhood to keep your yard beautiful. Again, notify the landscape company about the sidewalk improvements giving the company time to prepare.

I Am Worried About My Sprinkler System!

In the unlikely event, a homeowner's sprinkler system is damaged where work occurred, the contractor will coordinate with the resident to address the issue.

My cable went out unexpectedly. What now?

Please contact your service provider as soon as possible if this unforeseen event occurs. The service provider will make repairs.

Upon notifying your service provider, please contact the project supervisor and inform him of your situation. 

Please be advised, the contractor cannot make repairs to cable, internet, or fiber lines. 

I Have Concerns About Traffic and Pedestrian Safety!

The City takes these concerns seriously. Please contact the City's Transportation Division at 407.246.2281 or visit the safety portal.

Will The City Collect Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste On Its Normal Days?

Yes. The City will continue to collect trash on its regular service schedule. Should a missed collection occur, please dial 407.246.2314 or email

It is recommended you leave your cans or materials out for a second attempt.