City Wide Asphalt Rejuvenation


Asphalt exposed to the sun, aging and wear-and-tear from traffic vehicles can create roadways that often look and feel less desirable. 

The goal of the asphalt rejuvenation process is to restore the original asphalt compounds and make the asphalt surface more flexible. During this procedure, an asphalt rejuvenating solution called Reclamite will be sprayed on the existing asphalt surface, this material is allowed to penetrate into the surface, then sanded to absorb any excess material.

This process results in a road surface that is slightly darker in color that fades within a few weeks, a higher penetration value and a lower viscosity rate. In the end, what we have is a more flexible, less brittle pavement that should result in a longer service life.

Project hours are 7 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Should there be adverse weather or unforeseen circumstances, the contractor may elect to work on Saturdays.

Emergency vehicles and first responders will have access to the immediate and surrounding areas should an emergency occur.

Once the project is underway, residents and commuters will experience temporary lane shifts, lane closures, road closures and detours. The contractor may use signal flaggers to assist drivers with navigating the project area. There is a high potential for driveways or entrances to be temporarily inaccessible for a short period. Pavement Technology, Inc will find feasible solutions and assist anyone impacted with maintaining access to their property. Please delay watering yards, washing cars, or pressure washing your property during the remediation project. Water can create staining on the newly treated asphalt.

Should a resident find, they have tracked any rejuvenating agent on their driveway or sidewalk. The material will dissipate in two to three weeks, leaving no stain.

Solid waste, recycling, and yard waste will continue on their regular schedule.

Potential Supply Chain Issues:

The City's Public Works Department is closely monitoring the global supply chain issue, labor shortages, and price and material increases.

The competitive bid contractor and the City will strive to complete a capital improvement project on time and within budget. However, due to circumstances outside the control of both entities, there may be delays for necessary materials, potential for projects to be completed over budget, and potential delays.

We will continue to work with the community and our stakeholders to address the abovementioned issues and return normalcy to a community.

Potential Adverse Weather:

The contractor and city will monitor the weekly weather forecast. The contractor may elect not to work should rain or adverse weather be in the weather forecast, regardless if rain actually occurs.

Should a weather event occur, the contract may find it necessary to take one or two days to remediate the project area before beginning work again.

Potential Utility Conflicts:

Safety and maintaining continuous utility service are our number one priority. Delays like this are sometimes necessary to maintain our commitment. 

Capital improvement projects are fluid. Our consultant, contractor, and project manager do an excellent job designing, engineering, and constructing projects. However, once the contractor opens the roadway, it is not uncommon to find utilities not mapped, declared, or in conflict with the current design or path of the new utilities. 

The contractor may need to delay working until a solution is readily available to resolve the conflict. 

What happens if it rains or there is bad weather?

Should it rain, the contractor will not work on that day and will try a second attempt immediately following day.

Will I have access to my home or business when the project starts?

Once the project is underway, residents and commuters will experience temporary lane shifts, lane closures, road closures and detours. The contractor may use signal flaggers to assist drivers with navigating the project area. There is a high potential for driveways or entrances to be temporarily inaccessible for a short period.

Cutler Repaving will find feasible solutions and assist anyone impacted with maintaining access to their property.

What happens if I have an emergency or need to dial 911?

Emergency vehicles and first responders will have access to the immediate and surrounding areas should an emergency occur.

I park my car on the street, or my customers use on-street parking what now?

There is a high-probability on-street parking will be restrictions temporarily for on-street parking. Once the work is complete on-street parking will be restored.

Will there be road closures or detours?

Yes, Once the project is underway, residents and commuters will experience temporary lane shifts, lane closures, road closures and detours.

There is also potential for traffic congestion or delays during peak travel times.

I need to leave my house immediately what now?

Please contact the site superintendent by dialing Pavement Technology, Inc is well versed in handling these unique situations, they will assist you with getting out of your property.

Please drive slowly under 5MPH until you are clear of the project area.

What do I do about my trash, recycling, and yard waste?

Solid waste, recycling, and yard waste will continue on their regular schedule. In the unlikely event there is a missed collection, please dial 407.246.2314 or email

I have tracked the Asphalt Rejuvenation onto my driveway or sidewalk, what do I do?

Should a resident find they have tracked any maltene replacement or asphalt rejuvenation on their driveway or sidewalk, the material will dissipate in two to three weeks, leaving no stain.