Dowden Road Speed Management Study
In response to resident concerns, the City of Orlando Transportation Engineering Division engaged a consultant to conduct an in-depth review of Dowden Road. On July 18, 2024, the consultant delivered a speed management study focusing on the stretch of Dowden Road from the State Road 417 northbound ramp terminal intersection to Founders Street. The study's primary objective was to assess safety issues arising from vehicles exceeding the posted 35 mph speed limit.
The study proposed a range of short-term and long-term strategies to address speeding along the corridor. In response, the City of Orlando's Transportation Engineering Division translated these short-term recommendations into actionable, prioritized project steps. With a focus on safety and protecting vulnerable road users, the city prioritized improvements at school crossings, intersections with significant pedestrian and bicycle activity, and locations with a history of frequent crashes.
- Enhanced Signage: Additional crosswalk and warning signs have been installed to improve visibility and safety near the intersection of Story Time Drive and Dowden Road.
- Crossing Guards: Three crossing guards are now stationed at the intersection during school assembly and dismissal to assist pedestrians and ensure safer crossings.
- Temporary Safety Signs: Yard-style safety signs are being tested at the intersection to reinforce awareness and promote cautious driving.
- Reduced Speed School Zone: A designated school zone with flashing beacons will be implemented on Dowden Road at Story Time Drive to encourage lower speeds and improve safety.
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs): RRFB signs will be installed at the crosswalk on Dowden Road at Story Time Drive to increase visibility and alert drivers to pedestrian activity.
- Signage Upgrades: Improved signage will be added at existing crosswalks to increase driver awareness and pedestrian safety.
- Pavement Marking Adjustments: Lane narrowing and bike lane buffers will be introduced to calm traffic and create a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Median Nose Extensions: Five intersections within the corridor will receive median nose extensions with delineators to improve traffic flow and enhance intersection safety.