Where will the project take place?
The contractor will make sanitary sewer improvements on East Muriel Street between South Orange Avenue and Delaney Avenue.
How long will the project take?
The contractor estimates the project will take three months to complete.
What if I have an emergency?
Should an emergency occur, first responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access.
What do I do if I experience an interruption in utility service or have a problem?
For Sanitary Sewer:
To report an unexpected sanitary sewer service outage, please contact the City of Orlando at 407.246.2213.
For Water and Power:
To report an unexpected power or water outage, please contact OUC at 407.423.9018.
How will this project impact me?
Residents living near and around the project may experience full road closures, detours, lane shifts, sidewalk closures, and sidewalk detours. There is a potential for an increase in noise during project hours.
There may be times when a driveway or parking lot will be briefly impacted. Should this occur, the city's contractor will coordinate with impacted residents to find feasible accommodations.
What are the project hours? When will work occur?
Work hours are between hours are 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should the contractor experience adverse weather or unforeseen circumstances, night and work on Saturdays may become necessary.
I have concerns about traffic and pedestrians.
You may also contact the city's Transportation Division to report a traffic or safety concern. Please dial 407.246.2281, and a transportation professional will assist you.
Will the city collect trash on its normal schedule?
Yes, the city will collect trash on its regular schedule. Should a missed collection occur, please dial 407.246.2314, or email swcustomersvc@orlando.gov.