Project hours are between 7 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
Once the project begins, residents traveling in the area will experience a traffic flagging operation during the workday. There may be times when a property owner's driveway or entrance may be impacted as the project progresses. City crews will coordinate with residents to help maintain access to their properties. There is potential for an increase in noise during project hours.
Should an emergency occur, first responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access. Trash, mail, and other services will continue as scheduled.
There should be no interruptions in sanitary sewer service. However, in the unlikely event this should occur, constituents may dial 407.246.2213 to reach the City’s Water Reclamation Division.
The City’s contractor will coordinate with the City’s Solid Waste Division to maintain solid waste, recycling, and yard waste collection. Should a missed collection occur, a constituent may call the Solid Waste Division by phone at 407.246.2314, and the City’s Solid Waste Division will make another attempt for collection.