Project hours are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The contractor will have the option to work on weekends should they experience unforeseen or adverse circumstances. Should work occur on weekends, project hours are between and 5:30 p.m. Should an emergency occur, first responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access.
Property owners and commuters may experience temporary road closures, sidewalk closures, pedestrian and vehicle detours. Residents will notice the use of a dewatering system and sanitary sewer bypass system. Both systems may be necessary 24/7 once the project starts.
The contractor will do everything within their power to reduce sound levels within the residential neighborhood by using run quite pumps with hospital grade mufflers.
Please be advised, there may be times when a driveway or entrance way may be temporarily inaccessible as the project progress. A utility contractor will coordinate with property owners to maintain access to affected properties.
During the project, there may be intermittent service outages for both potable water and sanitary sewer services. Outages may occur during the installation or connection of a new utility. Intermittent service outages may occur for pressure and chlorination test for newly installed potable water utilities. A utility contractor will notify residents when a sewer or potable water service is temporarily impacted.
The utility contractor will coordinate with the city's Solid Waste Division to maintain its collection schedule. In the unlikely event a missed collection does occur, a resident may dial 407.246.2314 or email, and the Solid Waste Division will make a second attempt.