Lake Olive Drainwell Replacement Project

Last updated on December 23, 2024

shoreline of lake with walking path and trees

The drainwell that controls the level for Lake Olive has failed. The project entails the abandonment of the existing failed drainwell and the installation of a new drainwell. The project will re-establish the lake level to minimize the potential for flooding in this area.

Flooding in this area occurred during Hurricane Ian. An inspection of the drainwell servicing the lake revealed that the integrity of the casing had been impacted and ultimately resulted in a blockage of the drainwell that formerly controlled the lake level. 

The Public Works Department will hire a specialty contractor to construct a new drainwell structure to replace the existing one.  Immediate replacement of the structure is necessary because the drainwell has reached the end of its life span.

We anticipate the project will take approximately three months to complete.


Lake Olive, Orlando, FL 32801  View Map