Lift Station 2 Force Main Improvements Project Parts A, B, and C

Last updated on November 11, 2024

Construction workers digging a trench at a construction site.

This is a multi-phase project involving the replacement of the original cast iron force mains serving Lift Stations 1, 2 and 3 with new PVC mains. Phase I involves constructing force main, water main and electric duct bank improvements from Legion Place and Garland Avenue east to Garden Plaza. Roads included are North Orange Avenue, Weber Street, Magnolia Avenue, the Urban Trail, Highland Avenue, Lake Highland Drive, North Thornton Avenue, Canton Street, North Hampton Avenue and Garden Plaza.

Lift Station 2 serves portions of northwest Orlando and the downtown area. New PVC main will be constructed to replace the existing 70-year-old cast iron main and provide system resilience and redundancy. The project also includes gravity sanitary sewer repairs and replacement, OUC water main upgrades, and a new OUC high-voltage duct bank for a portion of the route.

Phase I includes Parts A, B, and C. Part C will be the first part of Phase I of the project to be constructed, followed by Part A and concluding with Part B.

We anticipate this project will take three years to complete.


Canton Street and N Fern Creek Ave, Orlando, FL 32803  View Map