Lift Station Six Modernization Project

Last updated on April 04, 2024

An image rendering of the proposed new lift station six.

The lift station, originally constructed circa 1947, comprises a two-story sunken concrete structure. Over time, it has deteriorated and no longer meets current codes and regulations.

Modernization of the lift station will improve neighborhood aesthetics, strengthen backup systems and emergency redundancies, and enhance wastewater collection and migration. This undertaking is imperative to improve the station's reliability and service level. Rehabilitating the lift station involves a comprehensive overhaul, including the partial demolition of non-compliant elements. It will be transformed into a submersible-type station featuring new pumps, upgraded controls, and a newly constructed above-ground generator and electrical building. These enhancements will ensure compliance with regulations, enhance reliability, and elevate operational efficiency. 

The City's Project Management Division anticipates the project will take 10 months to complete. However, adverse weather and unforeseen circumstances may increase the project's duration.

The city's Project Management Division takes environmental protection seriously. Prior to the project start, Project Management sought the necessary authorization from the State of Florida Water District. The city will also work with internal environmental specialists and scientists to make sure Lake Lancaster is not negatively affected during the project.

Should you notice anything unusual or have a concern please contact our Stormwater and Water Quality Compliance Division. You may contact the division by emailing

You may also sign up for notification on lake water quality by signing up for lake alerts on

Once the project begins, the contractor, Poli Construction, will relocate an emergency generator and fuel tank. Relocating both the generator and fuel tank will remove opportunities for emergency power failure should an unexpected rise in Lake Lancaster's water levels occur. 

The contractor will also use this opportunity to enhance the lift station's communication and telemetry systems. Improving the communication system will increase alert, response and recovery times should the lift station experience an unforeseen situation.  

There are planned improvements to the lift station's wet well. Should it become necessary, the removal and replacement for sanitary sewer pumps.

The City's Public Works Department is closely monitoring the global supply chain issue, labor shortages, and increases in the price of materials.

The contractor and the City will strive to complete a capital improvement project on time and within budget. However, due to circumstances outside the control of both entities, there may be delays in necessary materials, potential for projects to be completed over budget, and potential delays.

We will continue to work with the community and our stakeholders to address the abovementioned issues and return normalcy to a community.


Project hours are 7 am to 5 pm, between Monday and Friday. Work on Saturday may become necessary should the contractor experience unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather. 

Constituents living near Lift Station Six may experience an increase in noise during project hours. Residents may notice the storage of equipment and materials at the lift station. 

Property owners living on Lancaster Drive may experience several or all the following:

  • An increase in noise during project hours.

  • The use of a crane throughout the project.

  • The temporary installation of a sanitary sewer bypass pump to maintain continuous sewer service throughout the project. 

  • A signal flagger temporarily stopping traffic on Lancaster Drive to allow material and equipment to enter and egress the project site. 

  • Restricted access at or near Lift Station Six. It includes travel on Lake Lancaster using boats, jet skis, or kayaks. 

  • The notice of City employees from our compliance division visiting the project site to make sure Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPP) and other environmental protections are in place.

  • An unusual amount of activity for the initial inspection and start-up for Lift Station Six. 

Should the abovementioned occur, the contractor will work with neighborhood residents to identify a feasible solution to address a constituent's concerns.


How long will this project last?

The contractor anticipates the project will take ten months to complete.

What if I need emergency services?

Should you experience an emergency, please dial 911. First responders and emergency vehicles will have access to the neighborhood. 

Will I have access to my home?

Yes. All work will occur within the public right-of-way. Should there be a temporary interruption for traffic, the contractor will coordinate with any homeowner directly impacted by the project. The contractor will assist homeowners with appropriate accommodations to maintain access to their properties.

Why would the contractor need to work on Saturday?

Sometimes, after a heavy rain event, the contractor will need to survey, restore, and repair the area to continue the project.

Despite the contractor's planning efforts, sometimes there are unforeseen conditions or circumstances. Work on Saturday allows the contractor to make up for delays, keeping the project on schedule and finishing on time.

I am expecting a package or use a delivery service, what Now?

It is in the homeowner's or business-owner's benefit to notify service providers about the project within the neighborhood when scheduling or utilizing a delivery service. The city's does an excellent job notifying stakeholders about capital improvement projects. However, a few independent delivery services do not subscribe to our notification system.

Will my landscape company still have access to continue cutting and trimming my yard?

Yes. Your landscape company may still access the neighborhood to keep your yard beautiful. Again, notify the landscape company about the sidewalk improvements giving the company time to prepare.

Will the city collect trash, recycling, and yard waste on its normal days?

Yes. The City will continue to collect trash on its regular service schedule. Should a missed collection occur, please dial 407.246.2314 or email

It is recommended you leave your cans or materials out for a second attempt. 


1050 Lancaster Drive, Orlando, FL 32806  View Map

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