Pay a Code Enforcement Fine

Do you have a code enforcement fine that you need to pay?

View how much you owe and instructions on how to pay your balance.


Step 1.Find your case number

  • Enter the property address or parcel ID related to the violation.
  • Select each case number with a balance due.

Look Up Case Number

Step 2.Make a payment online

Inside each case number, click the "Pay Now" button.

We accept debit cards, credit cards, personal checks and business checks.

For Code Enforcement Board (CEB) liens:

  • If your case is still open, you will not be able to make a payment until it is closed.

For abatement and lot cleaning fees, an invoice is mailed to the owner of record.

  • If your fine is less than 30 days old, pay the amount due on the original invoice you received.
  • For fines older than 30 days, you will need to pay the original amount due on the invoice plus accrued interest in full to satisfy the case.
  • If payment is not submitted by the selected payoff date, you will owe extra interest.

Step 3.Get a Satisfaction of Lien

If a lien was placed on your property, a Satisfaction of Lien will be processed within 1-2 weeks from the date the payment clears. Checks must clear prior to processing lien removal.

By Phone

By Mail
