Report a Code Violation

The City of Orlando investigates and fines violations of city code.

Please note: Per Florida Statute 162.21, anyone submitting a code violation report must provide their name and address. We cannot investigate code violation claims without this information.


Step 1.Check if your issue is a city code violation.

Code violations include things such as:

  • Construction without a permit
  • Overgrown yard or trash in yard
  • Cars parked in the yard
  • Unsafe conditions
  • Illegal signage
  • Businesses causing a nuisance or operating illegally
  • Short-term rentals

Many housing or neighborhood issues are not handled by Code Enforcement, including:

  • Animal neglect or abuse
  • Disputes between landlords and tenants
  • Crimes like drug dealing
  • Mold problems inside your house
  • Problem trees on public property
  • Potholes and other street or sidewalk issues

If you have one of these problems, use our guide to finding the right place to get help:

Get help with an issue not covered by Code Enforcement

Step 2.Report the violation online

Use our easy tool to report the violation.

Report a Code Enforcement Issue

Step 3.We will send an inspector

We will send an inspector to the property you have reported within 2 business days. If there is a violation, the owner will receive instructions for correcting it. 

Step 4.What happens next?

If you have reported an overgrown yard or trash in yard, the city will work with the property owner. If there is no response we will send a contractor to mow or clean the yard at the property owner's expense.

For all other issues, resolving a violation can take a long time. The city works with the property owner to help them fix the violation. If the property owner doesn't comply, we assess daily fees. If the violation isn't corrected and the fees aren't paid, we put a lien on their property. 

You won't receive automatic updates on the case after reporting, but you can call for an update at 407.246.2686. We can always tell you whether it has been resolved, if it has gone before the Code Board, or if a lien has been placed on the property. Because responsiveness of property owners and Code Board timelines vary, we can't usually give you an estimate of how long the process will take.

By Phone