General Permitting Forms (show below) (show below) These are the most commonly used forms for general Permitting services such as owner builder declarations, inspection affidavit, digital signature form and general applicable plan review codes. General Applicable CodesOwner-Builder Declaration Form* (must be filled out in person at City Hall)Revision Request FormNotice of CommencementSpecial Power of AttorneyDigital Signature Delivery FormInspection AffidavitRegister a ContractorChange a ContractorMoving PermitConcurrency Management FormNotice to Building Official for Use of Private Provider FormPrivate Provider Certificate of ComplianceSidewalk Cafe ApplicationOutdoor Loudspeaker or Sound Amplification Device Application
Business Tax Receipt Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are mostly used to apply or renew a Business Tax Receipt, Certificate of Use and Mobile Food Truck information. Business Tax and Certificate of Use ApplicationHome Occupation ApplicationMobile Peddlers ApplicationMobile Food Vendor FAQs
Private Provider Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used if owners want to use a Private Provider for your plan review or inspection services. Form B: Private Provider RegistrationForm C: Private Provider Employee AffidavitForm D: Notice to Building OfficialForm E: Private Provider and Duly Authorized Personnel on Private Provider Job IdentificationForm F: Change of Private Provider ServicesForm H-1: Private Provider List of Approved DrawingsForm H: Private Provider Plan Compliance AffidavitForm I: Private Provider Inspection ReportForm J: Private Provider Trade Closeout AffidavitForm K: Private Provider Certificate of Compliance for CO/CC (Form K)Form L: Private Provider Certificate of Compliance for TCO/TCC
Building Permit Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used for vertical construction, renovations, window/door replacements and swimming pools for residential and commercial projects. Building Permit ApplicationResidential Re-Roof Permit ApplicationCommercial Re-Roofing Information Form (*building permit application is also required)Scope of Work FormBlower Door Test FormFence Permit FormSwimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs FormBuilding and Fire Codes Board of Appeal FormCommercial Landscape Plans Worksheet
Electrical Permit Applications (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used for projects involving electrical service, equipment, connections, additions or repairs. Electrical Permit ApplicationLow Voltage Security Alarm Application
Engineering Permit Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are used for projects such as driveways, pavers, mass gradings, roadways, demolitions, sanitary sewers and horizontal projects. Engineering Application (for permits that are not associated with a building permit)Commercial Submittal Requirements for Site EngineeringResidential Submittal Requirements for Site EngineeringFixed Asset FormPrivate Improvements Cost SheetPublic Improvements Cost SheetDemolition Permit ApplicationErosion Sedimentation Control SheetFloodplain Development Permit ApplicationConstruction, Maintenance and Performance GuaranteesResidential MOT NotesRight-of-Way Pavers AgreementTemporary Right-of-Way Encroachment PermitCity Services Easement Form for CorporationCity Services Easement Form for IndividualTree Removal/Encroachment Permit Application
Fire Permit Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are used for projects involving fire alarms, fire suppression, flammable liquid or gas tank installation. Fire Permit Application
Construction, Maintenance and Performance Guarantees (show below) (show below) You can find forms here to guarantee that the project will be done according to the contract's terms and that the contractor will remedy any problems related to workmanship, materials or design. Construction Bond (for telecommunication companies only)Maintenance Guarantee – Certificate of DepositMaintenance Guarantee – Cashier CheckMaintenance Guarantee – BondPerformance Guarantee – Certificate of DepositPerformance Guarantee – Cashier CheckPerformance Guarantee – Letter of CreditPerformance Guarantee – BondBlanket Construction Bond (for telecommunications companies only)Hold Harmless for Blanket Bond (for telecommunications companies only)
Mechanical Permit Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used for projects involving mechanical service, equipment, connections or repairs. Mechanical Permit ApplicationMechanical Refridge Affidavit
Plumbing and Gas Permit Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used for projects involving plumbing and/or gas service, equipment, connections, additions or repairs. Gas Permit ApplicationPlumbing Permit Application
Right-of-Way Forms (show below) (show below) These forms are most frequently used for projects involving work done or impacting city-owned areas such as the street, under the sidewalk or in the grassy area next to the street. Right-of-Way Permit ApplicationRight-of-Way Utilization Permit Application(PDF, 370KB)Right-of-Way Required Plan Review NotesRight-of-Way ChecklistRight-of-Way Maintenance Work NotificationConstruction, Maintenance and Performance GuaranteesPublic Improvements Cost SheetRight-of-Way Restoration Cost Sheet (for telecommunications companies only)Right-of-Way Roadway Restoration DetailBrick and Paver Utility Cut RequirementsPavement Test Hole DetailRight-of-Way Pavers AgreementTemporary Right-of-Way Encroachment PermitCommunications Services Provider Registration Form