Engineering Inspections Checklist


Public Improvement projects are those that will be turned over to the City of Orlando once the work is completed.

Private Improvement projects are those that will be developed, owned and maintained by the owner/developer.

Required Inspections as Applicable

  • For projects deemed as public improvements, the inspector will oversee the project as it is being constructed. During inspections he/she will observe the installation of the pipe. They will determine, along with the contractor, what soils tests are to be done and call the City contracted testing company to perform the tests. After the wastewater division has televised the lines, if there are defects the inspector will give the contractor a punch list for the contractor to repair the work. A second videotaping will be required, if there are repairs to be done. Paving of the roads should not begin until the inspector has been informed that the lines are free of defects.
  • Address – once the address is posted on the property (building).
  • Driveway – after the driveway form has been laid out, before the concrete has been poured. *The inspection must be done before the pour.
  • Sidewalk/Ramp/Curb – after the sidewalk/ramp/curb forms has been laid out, before the concrete has been poured. *The inspection must be done before the pour.
  • Sub-base/Base – the inspection of sub-base/base conditions is an ongoing daily process until the procedure is completed. Once the contractor is ready to begin work, an inspection is to be called in. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily. 
    • For projects deemed as public improvements, the inspector will oversee the project as its being constructed. During inspections he/she will observe the installation of the sub-base/base. They will determine, along with the contractor, what soils tests are to be done and call the city contracted testing company to perform the tests. They will perform the proper inspections to ensure the base is sound before paving.
    • For projects deemed as private improvements, the inspector will observe the installation of the sub-base/base. They will perform the proper inspections to ensure the base is sound before paving.
  • Paving – the paving inspection is an ongoing daily process until the procedure is completed. Once the contractor is ready to begin work, an inspection is to be called in. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily. The inspector will observe the paving process. They will check certain areas to make sure that the contractor is meeting the pavement requirements for the project.
  • Sanitary Sewer – the inspection of sanitary sewer lines is an ongoing daily process, until the procedure is completed. Once the contractor is ready to begin work, an inspection is to be called in. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily.

  • For projects deemed as public improvements, the inspector will oversee the project as it is being constructed. During inspections he/she will observe the installation of the pipe. They will determine, along with the contractor, what soils tests are to be done and call the City contracted testing company to perform the tests. After the wastewater division has televised the lines, if there are defects the inspector will give the contractor a punch list for the contractor to repair the work. A second videotaping will be required, if there are repairs to be done. Paving of the roads should not begin until the inspector has been informed that the lines are free of defects. 
  • For projects deemed as private improvements, the inspector will observe the installation of the pipe. The contractor will videotape the lines after they are installed and stabilized base is in place. The City of Orlando’s wastewater division will review the videotape if there are defects the inspector will give the contractor a punch list for the contractor to repair the work. A second videotaping will be required, if there are repairs to be done. Paving of the roads should not begin until the inspector has been informed that the lines are free of defects.
  • Storm Sewer – the inspection of storm sewer lines is an ongoing daily process, until the procedure is completed. Once the contractor is ready to begin work, an inspection is to be called in. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily.
  • For projects deemed as public improvements, the inspector will oversee the project as its being constructed. During inspections he/she will observe the installation of the pipe. They will determine, along with the contractor, what soils tests are to be done and call the City contracted testing company to perform the tests. The contractor televises the lines after they have been installed and stabilized base is in place. After the contractor televises the lines, the contractor is to have the videotape reviewed by the Engineer of Record. The Engineer of Record is to submit the report of the storm as well as the repair method specifications to be reviewed and approved by Streets & Stormwater Division. A second videotaping is required, if there are defects in the line to be repaired. Paving of the roads should not begin until the inspector has been informed that the lines are free of defects.
  • For projects deemed as private improvements, the inspector will observe the installation of the pipe. The contractor will televise the lines after they are installed and stabilized base is in place. The contractor is to have the videotape reviewed by the Engineer of Record. A second videotaping will be required, if there are repairs to be done. Paving of the roads should not begin until the inspector has been informed that the lines are free of defects.
  • Lamping – The lamping inspection is performed at the end of the installation of the sewer pipe. Once the contractor is ready for lamping, an inspection is to be called in. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily. The inspector will lamp the lines and inspect the manholes. This inspection is to ensure that manholes are in good condition and the lines visually look straight and have no debris. The inspectors check what the videotape doesn’t cover.
  • Final – after surface conditions have been restored equal or better to the City of Orlando engineering standards or construction (as-built) plan set. During the final, all sitework is to be completed and sod in place. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection daily.


  • Open cut/ Bore and Jack/ Directional Drill – While work is commencing, the contractor should call for the inspection. The contractor is to call in the inspection.
  • Final – After surface conditions have been restored equal or better to the City of Orlando engineering standards or construction (as-built) plan set. The contractor is to call in the inspection.


  • Private Improvements
    • Engineers Letter of Certification
    • As-built survey - 1 CD with design filex and pdf file and 2 copies
    • FDEP cleared for use
    • Storm water laser profile with report from engineer of record
    • Documentation that all storm lines have been cleaned.
  • Public Improvements
    • Engineers Letter of Certification
    • As-built survey - 1 CD with design filex and pdf file and 2 copies
    • FDEP cleared for use (if applicable)
    • Densities
    • Fixed asset form
    • Actual cost sheet
    • Maintenance bond
    • Storm water laser profile with report from engineer of record
    • Documentation that all storm lines are cleaned

Most Common Reasons for Disapproval

Disapproval Inspections

  • Address - Wrong or no address posted on building.
  • Driveway - Incomplete or formwork location not in conformance to approved plans. *The inspection must be done before the pour.
  • Sidewalk/Ramp/Curb - Location does not conform with the plans. Incomplete or missing formwork location not in conformance plans. *The inspection must be done before the pour.
  • Final – after surface conditions have been restored equal or better to the City of Orlando engineering standards or construction (as-built) plan set. During the final, all sitework is to be completed and sod in place. It is the contractor's responsibility to call in the inspection. Work incomplete: A punchlist will be provided with deficient items left to do.
  • Missing or incomplete final documentation.


  • Open cut/ Bore and Jack/ Directional Drill – while work is commencing the contractor should call for the inspection. The contractor is to call in the inspection.
  • Final – after surface conditions have been restored equal or better to the City of Orlando engineering standards or construction (as-built) plan set. The contractor is to call in the inspection.