Apply for an After-Midnight Alcohol Sales Permit

Do you want to sell alcohol for onsite consumption downtown after midnight?

If you want to sell alcohol for onsite consumption between the hours of midnight and 2 a.m. in the Downtown Entertainment Area, you will need an After-Midnight Alcohol Sales Permit.


Step 1.Gather your Information

Before you apply, you should know the rules about selling alcoholic drinks after midnight, and follow safety guidelines like police protection and monitoring occupancy. You should also notify the property owner of any legal steps needed. Read the After Midnight Alcohol Sales Permit Procedure before you apply for your permit.

Step 2.Submit your permit application

On the form, you can apply for a new permit, renew the one you have, or change information like responsible persons or business owners. This helps make sure your permit is right and up-to-date.

Submit your Permit

Step 3.Pay for your permit

After we review your application, we will send you a link to pay the $250 permit fee, which is due before we can issue your permit.

Step 4.Receive your permit

We will notify you when your permit and decal are ready for pickup after we review your permit application. You will need to pick up these items during normal business hours at:

City Hall
Economic Development Department
400 South Orange Avenue, 6th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

You must display the decal near the main entrance of the business so that it is easily visible from outside the establishment.  

Step 5.Keep your permit up-to-date

This permit is valid for 12 months, unless revoked or suspended, or if the establishment ceases to operate at the permit location. Each permit must be renewed annually.

Renew Your Permit