Notify the City of Maintenance Work in the Right of Way

Do you need to do maintenance work for a utility or telecommunications company in the right of way?

You need to notify the city to ensure safety and quality standards are being met. If you need to do other work in the street, under the sidewalk or in the grassy area next to the street, you need to apply for a Right-of-Way Permit.



Step 1.Check your eligibility

  • Make sure you are doing maintenance-only activities. These include:
    • Splicing cable in existing conduit, manhole/pull box/handhole
    • Overlashing cable on or over existing strands of aerial cable
    • Pulling cable through existing conduit or ductback
    • Replacing meter boxes
    • Dewatering underground boxes
  • Activities (and their larger projects) that require digging, excavation or the installment of new facilities or equipment do not qualify. In those cases, you must complete a Right-of-Way Permit application.
  • Make sure you are doing work in the City of Orlando. Some rights of way may be maintained by other jurisdictions such as the Florida Department of Transportation, Orange County, Osceola County, etc.

Step 2.Complete the form

You will need to upload photos of existing conditions in the area of the project prior to starting your work. 

Fill Out the Form

Step 3.Request a road closure

If you need to close a street or sidewalk, you will need to request a road closure.

Request a Road Closure

Step 4.Perform maintenance work

You may now proceed with your maintenance work in the right of way.