Request a Permit by Appointment Meeting

Do you want to request a Permit by Appointment meeting?

The Permit by Appointment program allows qualified projects to set up appointments for plan reviews and receive permits on a specific date. This allows city permitting and project design teams to work together and quickly.


Step 1.Check your eligibility

Qualifying projects include commercial construction projects that meet the following criteria:

  • New
  • Alterations
  • Between 5,000 and 75,000 square feet
  • Single and mixed occupancy projects. (Residential units or hotel projects do not qualify.)
  • Allowable occupancy types:
  • A-2 restaurants
  • Business
  • Mercantile
  • S-1 & S-2 warehouses

Additional occupancy classifications may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Step 2.Attend the meetings

You will attend at least three meetings:

  • Application Meeting (1 hour)
  • The applicant, owner/representative, architect/engineer and contractor must be present.
  • Design documents must be submitted for conceptual review.  
  • The scope of work, complexity of review and project schedule will be reviewed and agreed upon by all parties.
  • The Permit by Appointment agreement will be executed.  
  • Pre-Submittal Meeting (2 hours)
  • The project design team and city plan review team will review the construction documents. 
  • Evident issues will be discussed and addressed. 
  • This meeting will take place prior to the upload of plans.  
  • Comment Review Meeting (4 hours)
  • The project design team and city plan review team will meet to discuss all unresolved comments.
  • The project design team can make corrections on-site and submit/discuss corrected plans with the plan review team.
  • The project design team can upload agreed upon revisions and the city plan review team can approve and issue the permit if the plans are code-compliant.  

Step 3.Review fee details

The Permit by Appointment program fees are in addition to all permit fees, impact fees and development-related fees required by the City of Orlando.  

  • Program fee: $3000
  • Second and subsequent corrections review meeting: $350 per hour meeting (due at issuance)

Step 4.Submit the form

You will need to provide contact information and the scope of your work.

Complete the Form

Step 5.We'll review your request

If approved, you will receive an email with appointment information.