Permitting Milestones & Directions




Collect Fees

Fees are due.

Click on "Pay Fees".

For questions, call 407.246.2271.


Contractor License

Either a contractor is required for this permit or an updated contractor's license, business tax or workers comp/exempt is needed.

Email or call 407.246.2271.

Document Hold

To expedite the issuance of your permit, a document hold is placed prior to x inspection. View the hold by clicking on the DocHold hyperlink after entering your permit number in the permit look up page.

Unless otherwise indicated on the document hold, required items must be uploaded in the digital plan review system, ProjectDox. Email to request opening of the portal to submit your items and include a narrative.

Under Review

Permit has not been issued and is still under plan review.

Click on "Plan Review" tab to view when review is completed.

If all reviews are completed within two business days, email


PreScreen Review

Plans are moving forward for plan review. Please allow two business days from the date the plans were uploaded.

If it has been more than two business days, you can call 407.246.2271 or email for an update.

Pending Occupancy

Projects are given a Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Occupancy.

Contact to move this case forward to final.

Pending Commencement

A recorded Notice of Commencement is required for jobs over $5,000.

Email your recorded Notice of Commencement to

Allow two business days to process.


Your permit has expired.

Submit a renewal request here.

Pending Issuance

All reviews have been approved and fees have been paid.

If it has been more than two business days, you can call 407.246.2271 or email