Submit Construction Project Plans

Are you looking to submit plans for your project?

You can submit your plans online for the City of Orlando to review after your permit application has been processed. Plans are reviewed digitally.


Step 1.Submit your permit application

(If you have already submitted your application, go to Step 2.)

Submit your completed applicable permit application to, unless otherwise indicated on the application. You will receive an email with your permit number within two business days of receiving your completed permit application.

Step 2.Prepare your files

Plans must comply with specific size and file name conventions to be accepted. View our file requirements for more information.

  • Maximum file size is 1 GB
  • Drawing files must be only one page
  • File names must match your plan sheet index or file guideline
  • A third-party verified digital signature or seal is needed for plans requiring sign and seal

Step 3.Log into ProjectDox

The digital applicant noted on the permit application will receive an email from Avolve (donotreply@avolve) with an invitation to upload plans after the application has been processed.

First time users will receive an email with a temporary password which will expire after 30 minutes of the email being sent. If this occurs, there is an option to resend the temporary password.

*Commercial Projects will receive an email invoice from noting payment for the 25% non-refundable plan review deposit fee. Once paid, the digital applicant noted on the application will receive the email invite to upload in ProjectDox.

Log into ProjectDox

Step 4.Upload plans

Once logged into ProjectDox, you'll find an Applicant Upload task for submitting your plans and documents. For detailed instructions, refer to the Upload Plans section of the ProjectDox guide.

Step 5.Submit your uploaded Plans/Docs

After uploading all required documents and plans, complete your submission by following the steps outlined in the Applicant Upload task. You can review the process in the ProjectDox guide.

Step 6.We will review your upload & route for review

We will review your upload within two business days to ensure it complies with the requirements noted in Step 2 (Prepare Your Files). The upload task will be returned if the requirements are not followed, noted in the Plan Review Comment Report found in the Project Reports icon after selecting your permit number in ProjectDox.

If the upload complies with the requirements in Step 2, we will route the items for plan review. Plan review times vary on project type and scope of work.

Step 7.View Project Status, Plan Review due date and Comments

You can log into ProjectDox at any time. Plan review times are noted in the Permit Look Up site. For more details, refer to the reports overview.

Step 8.Prepare & Upload Corrected Files (if applicable) “Applicant Resubmit”

After all reviews have been completed you will receive an email notification to log into the system to review required corrections. Follow Step 7 (View Project Status) to locate the required corrections.

If corrections are not required, proceed to Step 10 (Pay Remaining Fees). For more assistance, review our guide.

Step 9.Complete Resubmit Submit Task (follow Step 5)

Follow the steps noted in Step 5 to formally submit all revised items. Selecting Resubmit Complete will formally submit the revisions to our department to route for review. The review cycle continues until all reviews are approved, at which point the project will move to Step 10.

Step 10.Pay Remaining Fees

All fees must be paid in full before a permit is issued. This includes any permits associated with the project. Payments may be made online, by phone at 407.246.4444 or in person on the first floor of Orlando City Hall.

If contractor information was not submitted as part of Step 1, please email a copy of the contractor information section and digital applicant information section (1st page) and the notarized signature of the contractor at the bottom of the 4th page.

If obtaining the permit as an owner, an Owner/Builder declaration must be signed and notarized in our office. 

Step 11.Print your approved plans, permit and inspection sheet

After fees are paid, the digital applicant will receive an email from Avolve (donotreply@avolve) with instructions to log in and download all files from the Approved folder. Refer to the guide for more information.

Step 12.Revisions/Document Hold Submittal Process After Permit Issuance

  • Email requesting to open the portal to submit revisions or document holds
  • The portal will be granted to the digital applicant within 2 business days of the request
  • Upload narrative/letter in the document folder with a description of what is being submitted and why this is required.