Apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Major Review

Do you want to make major changes to your historic property?

To protect the city's historic districts and landmarks, our Historic Preservation Board offers guidance to help you get a Certificate of Appropriateness and necessary permits.

Major review projects include:

  • Additions
  • Major alterations
  • Garage apartments
  • Demolitions
  • New construction
  • Landmark nomination

For less comprehensive projects, you should apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Minor Review.


Step 1.Check your location

Make sure your property is located in a historic district or is a local historic landmark.

View Historic Districts

View Historic Landmarks

Step 2.Contact the Historic Preservation Office

Call the Historic Preservation Office at 407.246.2172 to set up a meeting to discuss your project. This meeting is mandatory and you will be required to put the pre-application meeting number (MTG) on your application.

Step 3.Gather your materials

You will need to provide:

  • Detailed project plans
  • Photographs
  • A list of proposed materials
  • Floor plans to scale
  • Existing and proposed square footage
  • Demolition reports
  • Elevations, site plans and surveys

Step 4.Fill out an application

The application must be completed by the property owner or an authorized agent.

Complete the Form

Step 5.We will contact you

We will contact you with a project number to upload plans and a billing statement. Major review applications are $250.

Step 6.Upload your project plans

You will receive an email that will include a link to ProjectDox and a temporary password to log in.

Submit Your Plans

Step 7.We will review your plans

We will review your project and contact you with next steps. Major review timelines are determined by the Historic Preservation Board and City Council meeting schedules.

Step 8.Attend the Historic Preservation Board meeting

The Historic Preservation Officer will present his recommendations to the board and you should attend to answer any questions. Final approval will be granted by City Council.

Step 9.Get your Certificate of Appropriateness

If approved by the Historic Preservation Board and City Council, we will notify you and your certificate will be in the "approved" folder in ProjectDox. A list of conditions may be included.

Step 10.Get your permits

You may now apply for any required permits.

Apply for Permits