Apply for a Mural Permit for Your Business

Do you want to put a mural on a blank exterior wall of your building?

The city approves unique, artistic murals to enliven the community, create a sense of place and help promote local businesses.


Step 1.Understand the rules

  • Murals are only permitted in non-residential areas.
  • Murals are only allowed on blank side and rear walls of commercial buildings. (Building fronts may be allowed in Main Street areas with special approval.)
  • Text can take up no more than 5 percent of the overall mural design.
  • There are size limits. 100 percent of a blank wall can be painted if the mural is up to 15 feet high or less. 50 percent if the mural is up to 30 feet high or less, and 25 percent if up to 60 feet high or less. Murals are not allowed above 60 feet in height from ground level.
  • The mural must be a unique, hand-rendered work of art (painting, mosaic, etc.) Copyrighted images and advertisements are not allowed.
  • If your property is in a historic district, you'll need to get a historic preservation review before you complete an application. Your mural may have additional limits on placement, size and location.

Step 2.Check your eligibility

Your building must be in a commercial area within city limits. Our locator tool can show you if your property is in the city and how it is zoned.

Locate Your Property

Make sure you are not in a residential "R" or industrial "I" zoned area.

Step 3.Prepare a mural concept

Create a simple sketch of your proposed mural design and have it reviewed by your property owner. Ideally, you should have the artist who will be painting the mural prepare the concept for you.

Step 4.Get the property owner's permission

You will need to provide a written letter from the property owner stating that they have reviewed and approve your mural. 

Step 5.Submit an application

You will need to upload a .jpg or .pdf copy of the mural concept, the property owner's written approval and a picture of the proposed mural location.

Fill out the Form

Step 6.We will contact you

We will review your application and email you within one business day to discuss next steps or to help you meet the city's policies. If your project is approved, you will need to pay a $50 permit fee.

Step 7.Receive your mural permit

After you pay the permit fee, we will email you an approval letter, which will serve as your permit.

Step 8.Paint your mural

You may now schedule your artist to create the mural at your business.