Request a Zoning Verification Letter

Do you want to verify the zoning of a particular piece of property?

The city provides formatted letters that confirm the types of uses that are allowed in that zoning district.

Zoning verification letters contain:

  • The zoning district that applies to the property.
  • The future land use designation of the property as part of the city's Growth Management Plan.
  • Any specific GMP sub-area policies that apply to the property.
  • If requested a list of permitted uses in the zoning district.

Note: The Zoning Official is not authorized to address whether existing development on the property conforms to current code requirements.


Step 1.Check your eligibility

The property must be located within the Orlando city limits.

Find Your Address

Step 2.Review the sample letter

The letter will be provided only in the standard, city-approved format below.

Mr./Ms. ___________:

In response to your letter requesting zoning verification of the above mentioned property, please be advised of the following:

  • The subject property is zoned _________, and is subject to the use and development standards of that zoning district.
  • The subject property has a __________ Future Land Use designation. Subarea policy/ policies __________ apply to the subject property.
  • The ________ zoning classification is/is not consistent with the ________ Future Land Use designation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City Planning Division at 407.246.2269.  

Step 3.Complete an application

Please allow up to 10 business days to receive the completed letter.

Fill out the Form

Step 4.Make a payment

You will need to pay $50 per parcel ID number.  

We will email you payment instructions after we review your application.

You can view any fees that are due and pay them using our Permit Lookup tool.

View the Lookup Tool

By Mail