Reserve an Athletic Field The City of Orlando has athletic fields and amenities you can reserve on a first-come, first-serve basis. Fields and courts available for rental are for baseball, softball, soccer, football, volleyball, tennis, outdoor basketball and futsal.
Register for Youth Athletic Programs The City of Orlando offers numerous lessons and sports leagues for children and teens.
Sign Up for Swimming Lessons & Activities Do you want to take swim classes, join a swim team or use a city pool for exercise or general swimming? The City of Orlando offers aquatic programs for all ages.
Play in a Golf League Would you like to signup for a golf league or compete in other golfing events? Historic DubsDread Golf Course organizes leagues and golf outings.
Sign Up for Fencing Lessons The City of Orlando offers coed fencing classes to all ages. Explore this historic sport and art form.
Find an Outdoor Fitness Station Looking to be more active while being outdoors? The City of Orlando offers many parks that contain outside fitness stations to help you stay active.