Building Energy & Water Efficiency Strategy


More than 30 percent of building energy is wasted due to inefficiencies and outdated technologies.

In 2016, Orlando City Council unanimously passed the Building Energy and Water Efficiency Strategy (BEWES), a policy focused on tracking the energy and water output of our largest buildings. BEWES is a key strategy identified in the Green Works Orlando Community Action Plan.

Since August 1, 2018, any city-owned building above 10,000 gross square feet and any commercial or multifamily building above 50,000 gross square feet is required to have whole-building energy use tracked and reported annually. This information must be provided to the city each year to be made transparent to the real estate market via an annual report and transparency map.

Our Building Energy and Water Efficiency Strategy: Policy Compliance and Impact Report (2018-2019) provides a comprehensive overview of the policy background and history, compliance trends, impacts since policy implementation, and recommendations to further spur energy and water conservation.

Why does benchmarking matter?

Did you know that the buildings covered by the BEWES policy make up less than 4% of Orlando's total number of buildings, but account for more than 50% of the square footage – and energy use - of all buildings? Through benchmarking alone, building owners and tenants can experience an average annual savings of 2.4% and a six-point increase in ENERGY STAR score over the first three years. *EPA study

Building benchmarking enables better decision-making through building performance data. With this information, we can help local commercial property owners to:

  • Drive efficiency in building operations
  • Save money for businesses and residents
  • Foster a cleaner and healthier environment

Based on the policy impact study(PDF, 996KB) performed by the GreenLink Analytics, the BEWES policy will result in the following outcomes by 2030:

  • Save money and improve comfort - This policy will save an estimated $208 million in energy costs over the first 15 years it is effect. Enhancements to building energy efficiency will also result in improved comfort and productivity at home and in the workplace.

  • Improve air quality and public health - When local buildings are more energy efficient, they consume less power, resulting in fewer emissions from power plants. With this improved air quality, we can expect $57 million in reduced health care costs citywide.

  • Increase economic development and job creation - Improvements to energy efficiency spurs economic investment through reduced operating costs, increased asset values and improved worker productivity. In addition to benefiting existing positions, this policy will drive the creation of more than 500 local high-wage jobs.

  • Reduce water supply constraints - Electric power generation is the largest user of water, so reducing energy demand has a strong effect on preserving our limited water supply. As we face a significant impending water scarcity issue, building energy efficiency will conserve a critical 900 million gallons of fresh water.

  • Enhance our resilience - Enrich our security and resilience to unexpected energy- or water-related emergencies and avoid an estimated 1.1 million metric tons of carbon pollution.

  • Lead the nation - Improve competitiveness and promote Orlando’s position as a leading sustainable city to attract new businesses and investments and succeed in the global marketplace.