Mayor Buddy Dyer Brings Attention to the Issue of Senior Hunger

Last updated on October 15, 2018

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Seniors First, Inc. host Film Screening and Panel Discussion to Bring Attention to the Issue of Senior Hunger


Tomorrow, on national World Hunger Day, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer will join with Seniors First, Inc. to highlight the issue of senior hunger with the free screening of the documentary, “Leftovers.”  The film is a 68-minute deep dive into this issue that affects more than five million in America and continues to grow every year.

The elderly, with limited funds, health issues to battle and declines in mobility, are especially vulnerable to suffering from the issue of access to food.  In Orange County alone, 12 percent or 15,000 of the 129,000 older adults aged 65 and up living here, are facing food insecurity.

Following the screening of the film there will be a panel discussion with local industry experts, including:

  • Dave Krepcho, Second Harvest Food Bank
  • Lee Perry, Fleet Farming
  • Ken Peach, Health Council of East Central Florida
  • Tennille Yates, Registered Dietician, Florida Hospital Nutritional Services
  • Stacey Gray, Assistant Manager of Case Management Orlando Health

The panel will discuss how locally residents and businesses can help solve senior hunger through volunteering, donating and even talking with friends, family members and co-workers to help educate others.

The event is part of the City of Orlando’s continued commitment to offer and support services and programs that provide assistance and help to everyone who is in need.  The City of Orlando provides annual funding to Seniors First, Inc and their Meals on Wheels program to help bring homebound seniors quality, balanced meals delivered right to their doors.  Through Meals on Wheels support, 81 percent of seniors have experienced improved health and 90 percent have said the program makes them feel more safe and secure.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

1:30 p.m.


City of Orlando Beardall Senior Center

800 Delaney Avenue


Seniors First, Inc. is a nonprofit social service organization dedicated to serving the needs of Central Florida senior citizens. The organization’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of seniors by maintaining their independence and dignity.  To learn more about Seniors First, or to make a donation, call (407) 292-0177 or visit
