City of Orlando is the Purple Heart City

Last updated on August 02, 2018

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to Join with Orlando Police Chief John Mina, City Commissioners and the Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council to Proclaim City of Orlando as a Purple Heart City


On August 2, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer will join with Orlando Police Chief John Mina, City Commissioners and the Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council to proclaim the City of Orlando as an official Purple Heart City to honor and acknowledge residents who were wounded or killed in armed combat with an enemy force. This designation, led by the Veterans Advisory Council, furthers Orlando’s effort to be the most veteran-friendly community in the country.

The Purple Heart is the nation’s oldest military medal, awarded to members of the armed forces wounded in combat. By becoming a Purple Heart City, the City of Orlando is able to show support for Purple Heart veterans, commemorate their sacrifices and welcome them warmly to the Orlando community.

As part of this initiative, the City of Orlando will install Purple Heart City signs on several roadways, including:

  • Corrine Drive, near the Veterans Memorial Park
  • Lee Vista Boulevard and State Road 417, near the Orlando VA Medical Center


Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer

Orlando Police Chief John Mina

City Commissioners

Members of the Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council

Members of the Department of Florida Military Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 400

Local Purple Heart recipients, including OPD officers


Thursday, August 2, 2018

1:30 p.m.

*After the presentation, Mayor Dyer and Michael Waldrop, Chairman of the Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council, will be available for interviews from 1:45 – 2 p.m.


Orlando Police Department Headquarters

Community Room

1250 West South Street


Visuals at the event include a plaque and flag presentation in honor of the designation, as well as a replica of the Purple Heart City signs that will be installed.
