Dyer Celebrates Downtown Orlando as the 360-Degree Center of Florida

Last updated on September 24, 2019



October 2, 2019- Orlando, Florida- Today, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer delivered his annual State of the Downtown address to hundreds of Downtown residents, business owners and community leaders. Hosted on the 11th floor of the Seaside Plaza building, Mayor Dyer’s speech drew inspiration from the potential new business that will soon invest and fill that space with creativity and prosperity.

Comparing the space to Downtown, Dyer reflected on the Orlando community’s shared vision to dream big and work together to make Downtown what it is today – a place where people want to live, want to learn and want to play.

“We saw a blank space with unlimited potential.  We saw our future. So we committed to investing, together, in our Downtown,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer.  “Everywhere we look today, we see powerful results of that.”

The speech location also showcased a 360-degree view, highlighting Downtown’s importance at the center.  Dyer shared the city’s vision to further this effort and ensure Downtown leads the state as the 360-center and hub for transportation, innovation, education, culture, quality of life and more.

“We’ve accomplished so much, but the reality is that Downtown Orlando hasn’t even begun to realize its full potential,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “When we say our vision is to be the 360-degree center of Florida, we must be a downtown that adds value to people’s lives in every way, shape and form. We must be a downtown that generates economic or social benefit for every single person that lives, works, learns, plays or visits here.”

Dyer declared that one key strategy must be a continued effort to build a great downtown, with a focus on becoming Florida’s center for the new economy and careers of tomorrow announcing that Creative Village will be the preeminent home to the innovation economy in the southeast.

“Right here, right now, we are excited to announce that Electronic Arts is going to put the Creative in our Creative Village.  We are partnering with Electronic Arts to relocate their state headquarters to Downtown Orlando,” said Dyer.

More information on highlights and focuses Dyer shared to make Downtown Orlando the 360-degree center of the state include:

Center for Urban Living & Quality of Life

“If Downtown is to realize its full potential, then it must be a place where anyone who wants to live, can afford to do so.”

  • Later this month, Parramore Oaks, a 211-unit mixed income community, will welcome its first residents, and the next five single-family homes for residents looking to pursue the American dream of home ownership will soon be completed.
  • In order to ensure that everyone who wants to live downtown can do so, in total in downtown, the city has helped create nearly 500 multifamily housing units, rehabilitated more than 100 residential units and we are building 64 single-family homes while providing down payment assistance.


    Center for Opportunity for Everyone

    “Being a 360-degree center for education [sic] means being a central point for all manner of learning, to unlock opportunity for every single person who wants it.”

  • The City of Orlando’s Blueprint 2.0 has evolved to connect residents to more than 100 short-term training programs to prepare them for long-term careers in high-demand, high-wage industries.
  • Through Valencia College’s new Center for Accelerated Training adults can potentially go from not having a high school diploma to getting the skills to get some of the most in-demand jobs in industries like construction and advanced manufacturing. The first two 10-week programs will graduate their first classes at the end of this month.  Lockheed Martin is just one of the many employers lined-up and ready to hire these newly-skilled workers.




Watch Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s 2019 State of the City address at www.facebook.com/downtownorlando.

Additional photos are available upon request.


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