Lake Eola Love Story: Local Residents and Leaders Help Lake Eola Swan

Last updated on May 29, 2019

Lake Eola Love Story:  Local Residents and Leaders Help Lake Eola Swans Find Love
Swan-A-Thon Fundraising Program Launched to Help Further Care for Swans 

City of Orlando District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan has always been a devoted animal lover, with the care and wellbeing of the Lake Eola swans, located in her Commission District, a top priority for her.

Knowing this, local resident, Shawn Pennington, recently reached out to her, sharing his same passion for the swans and wanting to do more.  Including a suggestion and offer to help the City provide mates for two different swan breeds – the Black-necked and Trumpeter – that currently are solitary swan breeds with no mating pairs.

Thanks to this idea, Commissioner Sheehan worked to create and establish the Swan-A-Thon fundraising program. Pennington was the first donation, followed by a matching donation from Commissioner Sheehan.   Now, through this initial funding, the City of Orlando will introduce two new Black-necked male swans to the park in the hopes one of them becomes a companion for Queenie, the lone female Black-necked swan currently at the park with no mating partner.

This Thursday, May 30th at 1 p.m. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Commissioner Sheehan and local resident, Shawn Pennington will introduce Lake Eola’s newest residents to the Orlando community. 


  • Get a “first look” at Lake Eola’s newest residents, two new male Black-necked swans – and the potential love interests of Lake Eola’s lone female Black-necked swan, Queenie
  • Watch the new swans be released into a public acclimation area at the lake
  • Hear directly from local resident, Shawn Pennington, about his love for the Lake Eola swans and how the Swan-A-Thon idea came about
  • Local officials, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and City of Orlando District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan, will also speak at the event and be available for interviews.

Thursday, May 30, 2019
1 p.m. 

Lake Eola Park
512 East Washington Street
Event will take place in the plaza space west of the Eola House 

Media parking will be available near the Eola House along East Washington Street near where the roadway ends.

Through Swan-A-Thon, donors now have the option to make financial gifts specifically towards supporting the health and wellbeing of the swans at Lake Eola, now and forever.

The fundraising program is managed through the Orlando Community Youth Trust, a non-profit that supports the mission of the City of Orlando’s Families, Parks and Recreation Department.

Donations to Swan-A-Thon can be done in a variety of ways, including –

  • Online –
    – City of Orlando website –
    – Orlando Community Youth Trust website – – then select “Lake Eola Swan-A-Thon” in the drop down bar.
  • Discover Downtown information center – 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Swan-A-Thon branded T-shirts and plush toys at Discover Downtown will go towards the fundraising program.
