Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of HOLA

Last updated on March 28, 2019

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Community Leaders Come Together to Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Hispanic Office for Local Assistance

Luis Martinez, 407.383.2073 (on-site)
Karyn Barber, 321.418.9361

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and City Commissioners will join our Hispanic and multicultural community leaders and partners to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the City of Orlando’s Hispanic Office for Local Assistance (HOLA.)

Since opening its doors in 2004, HOLA has welcomed and served 175,000 residents, visitors, and newcomers from different cultural backgrounds by helping them connect with more than 100 government and community organizations to find jobs, housing, healthcare services, educational opportunities and other resources.

In addition, HOLA staff has participated in more than 500 community events over the last fifteen years and partnered with over 100 Central Florida’s community partners, including the Second Harvest Food Bank/ACCESS program that has allocated more than 4.1 million dollars to the community in food stamps benefits.

Following Hurricane Maria in 2017, HOLA assisted more than 6,000 Puerto Rican individuals displaced to Central Florida at the Disaster Relief Center in the airport and HOLA office by providing bilingual information about public and community services, including job referrals, healthcare, education, housing and more.

As our Hispanic and multicultural community continues to grow, the HOLA office continues its commitment to serving as a one-stop-shop that provides quality bilingual and culturally competent service not only to Orlando residents but also to surrounding neighbors, visitors and newcomers.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
5:30 p.m.

*Mayor Media Interview Window: 5:40 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. 

Primrose Plaza (gym)
595 North Primrose Drive

Parking available on the south-east side of the Primrose Plaza building accessible through Amelia Street.

*This event is by invitation only.

As part of the HOLA 15th anniversary festivities, an Open House will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the HOLA Office located on 595 North Primrose Drive, Orlando 32803. The free event will feature a tour of the office, refreshments, prizes and more.
