Give the Earth a Gift this Season and ReThink Your Holiday Waste

Last updated on December 21, 2020

Give the Earth a Gift this Season and ReThink Your Holiday Waste

This holiday season give the gift of sustainability by rethinking your waste during the  holiday season, including incorporating some of these tips:

For Holiday Gatherings:

  • Use plates, serving wear, cups and utensils that can be washed and used again.
  • Plan meals according to the number of guests.
  • Ask guests to bring reusable containers to bring food home in.
  • Coordinate dishes that use some of the same ingredients.
  • Any leftovers that you weren’t able to use or freeze should be brought to a food waste drop off location which can be found here
  • Recycle your used cooking oil. Place it in a shatterproof container (the one it came in is a good option) and bring it to a City of Orlando drop off location were it can be turned  into bio-diesel. Find drop off locations at

Online Shopping:

  • Choose the longer shipping option or the one that allows your items to arrive at the same time, in one box. This reduces shipping materials and delivery vehicle trips.
  • What to do with packaging materials:
    • Styrofoam should be placed in the garbage.
    • Plastic air cushions should be deflated and taken, along with plastic bags, to your local grocery store to be recycled.
    • Flatten boxes and cardboard packaging can be placed in your recycling cart or recycling dumpster. Oversized boxes can be flattened and taken to a drop off location. For a list of locations, visit
  • Buy from a company that uses recycled or sustainable packaging.

Gifts and Gift Wrapping:

  • Items that you can recycle:
    • Standard greeting cards and envelopes without shiny paper or glitter
    • Cardboard and gift boxes, flattened (leaving large merchandise boxes at the curb for collection may send an unintended message to would-be-thieves. Instead, break them down and bring to a recycling drop off location.)
    • Kraft paper without shiny embellishments
    • Cardboard tubes from the center of wrapping paper
    • Natural tree, free of decorations – put out with yard waste
  • Try to reuse these instead of throwing away:     
    • Gift bags
    • Artificial tree
    • Decorations
  • Put these in the garbage:
    • Greeting cards with glitter, foil or glossy paper
    • Metallic or foil wrapping paper
    • Styrofoam packing materials

For demonstrations on how to ReThink holiday waste and/or interview opportunities with City of Orlando Solid Waste Division Manager Mike Carroll, please contact Samantha Holsten, City of Orlando Public Information Officer at




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