Orlando Mayor, New and Returning City Commissioners Sworn into Office

Last updated on January 13, 2020

January 13, 2020 – ORLANDO, FL. – Today, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, District 2 Commissioner Tony Ortiz, District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan, and District 6 Commissioner Bakari F. Burns were officially sworn into office and affirmed their commitment to faithfully perform the duties of their office as elected officials for the City of Orlando.

Mayor Dyer celebrated the ceremony by crediting the community’s spirit of collaboration as key to Orlando’s continued success.

“This day is not about me. It’s about us. It’s about a group that came together 17 years ago and said Orlando can, and must be, more and then set to work to create a better future for our City and everyone who calls it home,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer.

Dyer called on partners to recommit themselves to the community’s shared vision and emphasized Orlando’s continued commitment to creating the high-quality careers and companies of tomorrow, focusing on workforce development programs and solving important community challenges like affordable housing, homelessness and transportation issues, all while ensuring innovation is part of everything the city does.  

“We are so grateful that our community has emphatically chosen to continue the journey we started together,” said Dyer. “As we are fond of saying, success is not a destination, it is a direction. We are excited to continue the journey, together.”

During their remarks, each newly elected or re-elected commissioner shared their unique vision for Orlando with those in attendance, reiterating Dyer’s call for partnership, unity and love, pledging to work alongside the mayor and the other city commissioners to continue to move Orlando forward.

Monday’s oath was Mayor Dyer’s sixth oath of office, and marked the beginning of Commissioner Tony Ortiz’s fourth term, a sixth term for Commissioner Patty Sheehan and the first term for newly elected District 6 Commissioner Bakari F. Burns.




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