Orlando Mayor and Commissioner Hill Deliver Lunch to Honor OPD

Last updated on May 01, 2020


Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 5 City Commissioner Regina I. Hill Deliver Lunch to Honor Officers at the Orlando Police Department

Today, Friday, May 1st, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 5 City Commissioner Regina I. Hill will deliver lunch to honor the Orlando Police Department for continuing to patrol and keep the city safe during COVID-19. 

The lunch was donated by local resident, Dotti Wynn, and is from a local restaurant, Negril Jamaica.

At the event, Mayor Dyer, Commissioner Hill, Police Chief Rolón, and Dotti Wynn will be available for interviews.


Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
District 5 City Commissioner Regina I. Hill
Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolón


Friday, May 1st, 2020
11:30 a.m.

Orlando Police Community Room
Orlando Police Headquarters Department
1250 West South Street


In alignment with CDC guidelines, you are encouraged to wear a cloth face covering and to maintain six feet of physical distance between yourself and others at all times.



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