City of Orlando & Downtown CRA - Business Rental Assistance Program

Last updated on October 26, 2020


The City of Orlando and the Downtown Community Redevelopment Agency Prepare Small Businesses to Apply for Funding Through the COVID-19 Small Businesses Rental Assistance Program 

Upcoming virtual webinar will provide small businesses the opportunity to learn more about the program and how to apply 

Many small businesses in the downtown Orlando Community Redevelopment Area have faced challenging times through the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to encourage the retention and continued operation of these existing downtown small businesses, the Orlando City Council voted and approved a rental assistance program at the October 5th City Council meeting. 

This Small Business Rental Assistance program will allow eligible small businesses in the downtown Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) area to apply for rental assistance funding for up to $5,000 per month for a maximum of $30,000 per business.  

“We as a city remain committed to supporting our local businesses through these unprecedented times as they are the backbone of our local economy,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “This program was put forward to provide some much needed financial relief for our downtown local businesses and to help to keep our economy moving forward as we continue to reopen safely.” 

To facilitate the distribution of funding to eligible small businesses, the city has partnered with the Orlando Economic Partnership to administer the program. In advance of applications opening November 4th, the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Partnership will host a webinar to educate businesses on how to apply for the COVID-19 Small Business Rental Assistance program on Wednesday, October 28 at 10 a.m. 

“Sustaining our downtown core, and all of the businesses who make it a thriving center for commerce, is critical to the recovery of our region and our economy,” said Partnership President and CEO Tim Giuliani. “I encourage all eligible businesses to reach out to the Partnership so we can provide the best customer service possible to businesses seeking answers and solutions to the challenges that prevent them from focusing on their core mission as a business – which provides jobs and livelihoods.” 

Funding will be provided on a first come and first ready basis. In addition to attending the webinar, downtown small businesses who are interested in applying for the Rental Assistance Program can view eligibility requirements and required documents needed by clicking here.  

CRA Small Business Rental Assistance - Webinar 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020  
10:00 a.m.  
Meeting Link 

CRA Small Business Rental Assistance - Applications Open 
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 

Interview Opportunities:  
For interview opportunities in advance of or after the webinar, please contact Samantha Holsten, City of Orlando Public Information Officer at 




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