Swan Round-Up Time! Lake Eola Swans Receive their Annual Checkup

Last updated on November 19, 2021

Swan Round-Up Time! Lake Eola Swans Receive their Annual Checkup  

On Saturday, November 20, 2021, District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan, a veterinarian and specially-trained volunteers will participate in the City of Orlando’s annual Swan Round-Up. The iconic swans will receive their yearly medical check-ups and well-being assessments.  

The Swan Round-Up takes place each year where specially-trained volunteers corral the swans at the west end of the park. Once corralled, volunteers will take the swans to a temporary clinic set up in the park where they will be weighed, inoculated, and checked by a veterinarian.   

Swans at Lake Eola:  
Lake Eola is home to more than 50 swans representing five different breeds:  

  • Trumpeter swans  

  • Black Neck swans  

  • Whooper swans  

  • Royal Mute swans  

  • Australian Black swans  

Saturday, November 20, 2021  
Media Window: 7:00 to 10:00 a.m 

Lake Eola Park, along the water near Eola House by the playground  
512 East Washington Street   

Media parking will be available along North Eola Drive. Media should set up outside the low brick wall near the water across from the playground.  


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