City Council Appoints 2022 Orlando Redistricting Advisory Board

Last updated on February 07, 2022

The City of Orlando Launches Redistricting Process and Appoints 2022 Orlando Redistricting Advisory Board 

February 7, 2022 – ORLANDO, FL – Every ten years, following the completion of the federal census, per the Orlando City Charter, the City of Orlando must initiate a redistricting process using the census data to ensure equal population among the city commission districts. 

As part of this process, today the Orlando City Council appointed nine citizen volunteers to the Redistricting Advisory Board (RAB). The board will take the lead in conducting public outreach efforts and in formulating a redistricting recommendation for the Orlando City Council to consider at a June meeting.    

“The city has certainly grown throughout the years and this process is highly important to ensure fair and equal representation across our districts,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “I look forward to the great work this advisory board will accomplish as they, together with our citizens, play an important role in determining our community’s boundaries for the next ten years.”  

The City of Orlando 2022 Redistricting Advisory Board members include: 

  • Mayoral appointee #1 and Chair – Roger Chapin 

  • Mayoral appointee #2 – Alana Brenner 

  • Mayoral appointee #3 – Sharon Riley 

  • District 1 – Chuck Holmes 

  • District 2 – Orlando Robles 

  • District 3 – Katie Flury 

  • District 4 – Dan Kirby 

  • District 5 – Greg Lee 

  • District 6 – Alejandro Pezzini 

The RAB will host a series of public meetings including community meetings in each city district and working board session meetings. All members of the public are encouraged to attend and provide input regarding proposed changes to the City of Orlando commission districts at each of the public community meetings. Additionally, in 2022 citizens will be able to provide input about their community and proposed map online. 

For more information on the RAB, upcoming meetings, and how residents can provide input, please visit  


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