Raleigh Street Roadway Improvements

Last updated on September 06, 2023

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, District 5 City Commissioner Regina I. Hill and District 6 City Commissioner Bakari F. Burns Celebrate Raleigh Street Roadway Improvements

Infrastructure Project Creates a Safer and Better-connected Transit Ecosystem

On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer will join District 5 City Commissioner Regina I. Hill and District 6 City Commissioner Bakari F. Burns to celebrate the completion of Raleigh Street roadway improvements with a ribbon cutting ceremony. This transportation infrastructure project, spanning from South Kirkman Road to Willie Mays Parkway, creates a safer and better-connected transit ecosystem by alleviating traffic congestion and furthering pedestrian access. Project highlights include: 

  • Expanded roadway with additional left turning lanes, 
  • Enhanced pedestrian safety with new crossings and new traffic signals at Deerock and Kozart Streets,  
  • Three new pedestrian safety islands along Raleigh Street between Frazier and Broome Avenues, 
  • Added a 12-foot bike-friendly and walkable multimodal pathway and 
  • Upgraded underground drainage systems to help prevent flooding. 

These roadway improvements further the city’s goals to create a connected community and enhance residents and visitors' quality of life through innovative, safe and efficient mobility options. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023  
10:30 a.m. 

Near the corner of Raleigh Street and Deerock Drive. 

Media parking will be available in the parking lot of the Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida at 5055 Raleigh Street. 





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