Lot Maintenance
Excessive accumulation of overgrowth, weeds, garbage, stagnant water and unsanitary materials is prohibited. Property owners have 15 days to clean the property. If the owner does not clean the property, a city contractor will clean the property and invoice the property owner. Multiple violations in a 12 month period may result in additional fines and/or liens.

Unlicensed/Inoperable Vehicles
All vehicles must be operable and have current license tags; or they must be stored in a completely enclosed building.

Animal Control
Orange County Animal Control regulates animal issues in the City of Orlando. For questions regarding animal control violations, contact OCAC at 407.836.3111.

No sign or sign structure shall be erected, altered or changed until a permit has been issued.

Signs in the the Right of Way
Signs placed in the right of way of any public street, road or publicly-owned property are prohibited.

Parking on Grass
Vehicular use areas shall have approved, durable all-weather surface and shall be continually maintained. Additional parking may be installed provided permits and approved final inspections are obtained.

Illegal Dumping
If you see someone dumping trash, please call the Orlando Police Department at 321.235.5300. Get the vehicle description and tag number and where the dump site occurred. You may remain anonymous. If you can safely get video or a picture of the suspect vehicle, it would be helpful in following-up and prosecuting the case. If you come across large items or a dump site, please contact code enforcement at 407.246.2686. It is important to have the location and description of the items left at these sites.

General maintenance of trees limbs extending over neighboring property is a civil matter that ordinarily must be resolved between the affected neighbors. Removal of trees over four inches in caliper require a tree removal permit.

Boats/Recreational Vehicles
Boats and recreational vehicles may be kept at residences provided they are parked on an approved, improved surface in a side or rear yard. For setback and screening requirements, contact permitting services at 407.246.2271. This pertains to boats and RVs under 10 1/2 feet.

Loud music, parties or disturbances of the peace should be reported to the Orlando Police Department at 321.235.5300. Ongoing noise should be reported to code enforcement at 407.246.2686 and may require a decibel level meter reading to determine if noise level exceeds that allowed by code. Certain types of noise are exempt from city code.

Before starting any construction or renovations please check with our permitting services office at 407.246.2271 to determine if a permit is required. Building additions or alterations, storage sheds and most other structures require building permits and inspections.

Commercial Vehicles
The parking of commercial vehicles is prohibited on public streets, privately owned driveways and property within all residential or office districts; except for loading and unloading purposes.

Home Business
All home occupations shall be located only within the principle building. No home occupation shall be conducted in any accessory building or structure and must not occupy more than 500 square feet.

Business Tax Receipt
This is proof of payment of the business tax; it is required before a business opens or starts. A business operating without a Business Tax Receipt is subject to a penalty.