Register as a Certified Minority or Women-Owned Enterprise (MWBE) The city offers equal contracting opportunities for city certified minority and women-owned businesses seeking contracts with the city.
Renew as a Certified Minority or Women-Owned Enterprise (MWBE) Renew your MWBE certification for your business.
Search for a Business in the Minority or Women-Owned Enterprise System Search for a certified minority or women-owned business (MWBE) in our system.
Expand the Certifications for your Minority or Women-Owned Enterprise Include additional lines of business to your MWBE certification.
M/WBE Certification Workshop Monday, April 14, 2025 | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM 8 more dates Learn about business opportunities with the City of Orlando. National Entrepreneur Center at Fashion Square Mall, 3201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 Tagged as: , Talks & workshops