2017 Municipal Operations Sustainability Plan

1. Overview

The City of Orlando Municipal Operations Sustainability Plan was first issued in 2012 as an important step to ensure the City of Orlando’s sustainable and vibrant future. The Municipal Operations Sustainability Report focuses on actions that the city and its employees can take in order to make the city a leader in sustainable practices. 

This Progress Report focuses on the goals, benchmarks and action items that city offices and employees are taking in this effort. The Progress Report is essential to highlight early successes and identify areas that need additional focus from city offices to ensure we accomplish the short term and long term goals. This report shows the advancement the city has made toward the 12 goals and associated benchmarks. A new addition to this progress report is a focus on improving the city’s resiliency. Each topic now has an area dedicated to resiliency, which is the capacity of a system to undergo disturbance and maintain its functions and controls. The city must be prepared for disturbances such as hurricanes, possible fuel shortages, drought, extreme rain events, electricity outages, terrorist attacks as well as urban heat island effect. The sections in this report go into more detail as to how the city is working to become more resilient.

Accomplishment highlights

  • Establishment of the revolving energy fund; this allows funds to be used for city energy efficiency upgrades, the savings from those upgrades are used to pay off the initial investment and re-allocate savings to additional energy efficiency improvements in other city-owned buildings.
  • The city is currently performing 56 green retrofits, exceeding the initial expectations of 40 green building retrofits.
  • The city is in the process of replacing the solid waste fleet with trucks fueled by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Hydraulic Hybrid (HH).
  • The city’s bike share program kicked off in January of 2015, and has 200 bicycles located at 34 stations.
  • The city has been actively installing bike racks and bike repair stations and has installed approximately 70 racks and 5 repair stations since 2012.
  • The city has constructed 10 additional LEED certified buildings since 2012, with more in the pipeline including the Orlando Police Headquarters.
  • The city has met the 2017 goal of 79 lakes rated as good quality (TSI less than 61).

Areas that need more work

  • Offering bi-annual education and staff training for staff.
  • Developing an Environmentally Preferential Purchasing (EPP) policy, each department must conserve and utilize existing materials and consistently choose more sustainable new products.
  • Track all street trees planted and removed in order to achieve the net gain of 4,000 street trees by 2017.
  • Expand its current production of renewable energy. At the current rate the 2017 goal of 10,089,004 kwh will not be achieved.

2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Goal 1: Greenhouse Gas Neutral for Municipal Operations by 2030

Why green house gas emissions are important

The city can provide regional leadership to reduce greenhouse gasses (GHGs) in a manner that creates greater numbers of clean tech jobs here in Central Florida and reduces the city’s $26 million annual energy costs. As fossil fuel usage has increased over the last 200 years, the concentration of GHGs, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere has increased at a quicker rate than natural systems can absorb them. Trapped GHGs gradually increase the amount of heat in the atmosphere, causing a slow, gradual rise in temperatures; variation to rain patterns; increased intensity of storms; sea level rise; and increased variability in the overall weather system. Florida is particularly vulnerable to problems caused by storms and rising sea levels. The city has set the goal of reducing GHG emissions 15% by 2017 from 2010 levels, and a long-term goal of completely eliminating GHG emissions. This will primarily be achieved by reducing electricity and fuel consumption, and greater investment in renewable energy sources. Major projects will be discussed in greater detail in the following sections.


  • 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 132,659 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • 2017 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goal: 124,296 tonnes of CO2


  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 15% from 2010 levels by 2017


2010  2015 2017 goal 
132,659 tonnes   91,746 tonnes   112,759 tonnes

2012-2015 Accomplishments

In 2015 the city purchased and implemented the Clear Path program, which includes the Lucid Building OS dashboard. The Lucid program provides for more accurate readings of the city’s electricity, water and fuel use. With the current energy efficiency program, the greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by approximately 6%, this is the initial set of 55 buildings slated for energy efficiency retrofits. 

Resiliency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The city plays a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases absorb energy and slow/prevent the loss of heat to space. The increase in greenhouse gases is a cause of climate change, which increases the risk and stress to water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems as well as infrastructure. Clear greenhouse gas reduction goals, strategies and enhanced capacity are essential to reduce emissions and become increasingly resilient.

  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Action Items  Timeframe  Offices Involved  Status Update
1  Achieve electricity and transportation objectives.  Ongoing  FAC/PWK/FLT/GW  Ongoing. See specific objectives for update.
2  Develop supercritical or anaerobic digestion energy generation at wastewater plants.  2017 PWK   Current pilot project was unsuccessful. By 2017 a determination will be made on the project scope for a wastewater plant that produces energy.
3 Develop new urban tree canopy goals and program.  2012  FPR/Planning Completed. The 2012 Municipal Operations Sustainability Report established the goals and program. 
4  Pursuing advance materials recycling facility with possible energy or vehicle fuel production with the organic fraction.  2017  PWK  New action items.

3. Green Building

Goal 2: Ensure that all city-funded buildings, built after 2012, meet green building standards by 2030

Why is green building important

Green buildings provide a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Reduced operating costs related to energy and water use
  • Improved health and productivity for inhabitants
  • Efficient use of materials such as recycled and locally produced materials
  • Better care for the existing conditions of the site

Effective municipal green building policies and programs provide the above benefits as well as provide education and training for both the construction industry and the public. Cities that commit to green building practices allow the industry to gain experience. As experience increases, the remainder of the community will benefit from decreased costs and improved quality of life. As a result, additional construction costs to build to LEED standards (a commonly used green building certification system that stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design”) has decreased to approximately 1 to 3 percent of the overall building cost for basic certification. In some cases, properly designed green buildings can even be cheaper than conventional construction— for example, the green roof on Fire Station #1 (see below) eliminated the need for an additional underground stormwater vault, reducing construction costs by $500,000.

The city will develop a policy that places clear green building standards on all projects receiving city funding, including new construction and substantial renovations of municipal, commercial, nonprofit, or residential building project for which the city grants, donates, lends or provides monies or services (including tax incentives). Additionally, the city will attempt to implement green building retrofits to all of its facilities by the year 2030 to both reduce utility consumption and increase the sustainability of city operations.


  • Green City Buildings in 2010: 6 out of 219
  • Green City-financed affordable homes in 2010: 2 out of 3
  • Green City-financed community buildings in 2010: 2 out of 3


  • 10 additional City buildings are green by 2017
  • All new City-financed buildings meet green buildings standards


 2010  2015 2017 Goal
6 City Buildings   10 City Buildings   16 City Buildings

2012-2015 Accomplishments

In 2012, one of the new initiatives identified was to complete 40 green building retrofits. The city’s real estate inventory includes over 219 buildings. Although not all will be eligible for “existing building” LEED certification, the retrofits will provide substantial operating reductions. The city is in the process of performing 56 green retrofits, exceeding the initial expectations of this initiative.

 Status For City Buildings Completed Since 2007
 City Project Status   Years Certified
 Amway Center Gold 2011
 Geico Garage Gold 2011
 Fire Station #7 Gold 2010
 Fire Station #14 Certified 2008
 Fire Station #15 Certified 2008
 Fire Station #16 Certified 2008
 Fire Station #17 Certified 2009
 1025 West Anderson Street (City financed affordable home) Platinum 2009
 Fire Station #1 Gold 2012
 Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center Silver 2015
 City Hall Goal: Certification  
 Creative Village Goal: LEED-ND certified  
 Orlando Police Training Facility/Gun Range Goal: LEED  
 Facilities Management Office Goal: Energy Star   
 Streets and Drainage Administrative Building Goal: Energy Star  
 Primrose Plaza Goal: Energy Star  
 Orlando Police Headquarters Goal: LEED  
 Fire Station #2 Goal: LEED  
 Wetlands Park Education Center Goal: LEED  
  Green Building Action Items Timeframe Offices Involved Status Update 
1  Develop policy and procedure for City Council consideration that encourages green building certification for all city-owned and city-funded buildings. 2012 FAC/CIP Completed. Green Works Municipal Sustainability Report 2012 was the product.
2 Develop green building specifications for all projects (ASHRAE 189.1) to ensure meeting the city's green building goals (even for minor projects). 2012 Green Works Not started.
3  Create an Amway Center sustainability Plan.  2012 Venues Not started.
4 Achieve green certification for City Hall. 2016 FAC Renovations began May 2016 and are targeted for completion in early 2018.
5 Achieve LEED, Energy Star, or other green certification for 9 other municipal buildings.  2013 FAC Completed.
6 Complete green building improvements with planned energy efficiency improvements.  2011-2016 FAC Ongoing.
7 Meet purchasing goals to reduce use of hazardous chemicals indoors. 2013 FAC/Purchasing Green Cleaning Policy (PUR).
8 Prior to application for SHIP or HOME funds, the applicant shall obtain a free home energy audit from OUC. The findings of the energy audit must be provided with the application package. 2015  Housing New action item. Renovations can then be tailored to add energy efficiency to the home. 

Resiliency and Green Buildings

The built environment, such as the design, construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure, has a direct effect on the city’s resiliency. Internal building design (HVAC systems and energy usage), stormwater management and landscape design all have a role in creating green buildings. As the city builds more green buildings there will be less greenhouse gases emitted, site specific stormwater management will assist in moving water from extreme rain events and landscape design will assist in calming temperatures and providing relief from heat to residents.

4. Electricity

Goal 3A: 100% of municipal electricity from renewable sources by 2030

Goal 3B: 50% reduction in municipal electricity consumption by 2030 

Why Renewable Electricity is Important

Electricity consumption is the primary source of Orlando’s municipal GHG emissions. In 2010, the city government consumed 224,200 megawatt hours of electricity at a cost of $20.7 million – utilized for the city’s 219 buildings, 3 wastewater plants and supplementary pumps, 4,000 traffic lights, and 29,000 street lights.

Lowering utility costs frees funding for more valuable municipal services like police and fire protection, while simultaneously reducing its environmental impact. The cheapest way to achieve lower utility costs is through conservation (e.g. turning off lights) and investments in efficiency (e.g. more efficient lighting). The city can also become a leader in energy efficiency by piloting new technologies and educating the community about the city’s experiences.

In addition to efficiency improvements, the city’s GHG footprint can also be reduced by switching to renewable energy sources such as solar electricity. While solar is more expensive than traditional fuel sources today, new public policy and investments are bringing those costs down, eventually the cost should be equal to fossil fuels. Solar power also provides a hedge against the rise of future energy costs and is a much greener way to produce electricity.

The city has set the dual goals of receiving 100% of electricity from clean and renewable sources and improving energy efficiency by 50% from 2010 levels by 2030. This will be accomplished through conservation through education, improved management of operational practices, new policies for the purchase of electrical equipment, energy audits for existing buildings and plants, installation of new efficient technologies in buildings, plants, and infrastructure, exploration of renewable energy sources like solar, waste sludge power generation and solid waste gasification. Through the accomplishment of these goals, the city will produce long-term energy cost savings and promote greater use of renewable energy.


  • 2010 renewable energy produced: 7,423 kwh
  • 2010 cumulative electricity cost: $20.7 million
  • 2010 electricity consumption: 224,200,102 kilowatt hours (kwh)
  • 2010 energy intensity: 33.73 thousand BTU’s per square foot per year
  • 2010 street and traffic lights: 12.3% use LED bulbs
  • 2010 energy audits Performed: 37 out of 219 buildings


  • 5% of energy derived from renewable sources by 2017
  • 10% reduction in energy used by 2017


  2010  2015 2017 Goal
Renewable energy  7,423 kwh   3,963,657 kwh1*   10,089,004 kwh
Total energy 224,200,102 kwh   112,944,214 kwh2*   201,780,092 kwh

1-Current production will only add 1,800,000 on existing; will not meet 2017 without expanding.

2-Current energy conservation projects account for a large portion of the total energy reduction, remainder is unknown.

*According to FY 2016 data

2012-2015 Accomplishments

The City of Orlando was accepted into the city Energy Project (CEP) in 2013. The CEP is a national initiative to create healthier and more prosperous American cities by improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The CEP advisor works collaboratively with the City of Orlando on developing a tailored set of policies and programs that will dramatically improve the energy performance of its building stock. Orlando is leading by example – ramping up the efficiency of public buildings – as they catalyze private investment in energy efficiency measures. The CEP focuses on large public and private-sector buildings, which together account for a disproportionate share of urban energy use and carbon pollution.

The City of Orlando joined the Better Building Challenge in 2010. As part of the Better Buildings Challenge, the city is undergoing energy efficiency upgrades to 56 municipal facilities, including lighting upgrades, HVAC renovations, building automation and controls, and other cost-effective energy conservation measure. 

The city’s Fleet Building has a large solar farm on the roof, which produced an average of 43,932 kWh per month over the past year, with a peak of 63,086 kWh in the month of May 2016. For the month of May 2016, at its highest output of the year, the solar farm contributed 0.55% of the total energy used by the city. Solar water heaters have been installed at Turkey Lake Park, Dr. Smith Community Center, and Dover Shores Community Center, as well as on the roof of Fire Station 1. A study conducted in early 2016 revealing that solar panels may be applicable at 6 buildings; Northwest Community Center, Orlando Police Training Facility/Gun Range, Citrus Conference Center, Primrose Plaza, College Park Community Center and Fire Stations 7, 14, 15, 16, 17.

  Electricity Action Items Timeframe  Offices Involved Status Update 
1 Establish revolving energy fund. 2012  GW/FAC Completed.
2  Perform energy audits to 75 buildings by 2015. 2012 FAC Completed.
3 Implement Energy Conservation Measures in at least 45 buildings (26 completed by Jan 2012). 2016 FAC In progress.
4  Institute sub-metering in at least 50 of the highest energy consuming buildings. 2016 FAC In progress, 110 will be completed by end of project.
5 Determine processing efficiency goals for Wastewater. 2016 WW On track for completion in 2016.
6 Occupancy sensors for office lighting. 2016 FAC In progress.
7 LED retrofits of all 24hr runtime lighting, phase in LED office lighting. 2014 FAC In progress. 
8 Hot water - convert electric hot water tanks to solar, heat pump, natural gas or BAS controlled. 2017 FAC In progress.
9  Web-based Energy Management System to replace existing thermostats. 2018 FAC In progress.
10 Shut off lights at night in unoccupied buildings, setback thermostat set points at night.  2018 FAC In progress.
11 Provide completion and education to staff. 2012/13 FAC/COM/GW In progress. FAC obtaining dashboard technology which will be used for the competitions
12 Install a solar array on Fleet H garage. 2012 GW Completed.
13 Super critical or anaerobic digester generators. 2015 PWK Ongoing. While anaerobic is on hold, energy recovering is being developed through our advanced waste process facility.
14 Install 2 MW of solar. 2018 GW/FAC In progress.
15 Install solar thermal at 5 facilities  2017 FAC/GW Two installations completed, working on third (it is not an appropriate technology for all situations).
16 Convert 5 city buildings to net zero energy usage, including Fleet & Flights Mgmt Complex.  2018 FAC/GW One conversation completed.
17  Convert LED street lights at locations where city pays for electricity directly. 2012 TENG/GW Ongoing. 11,900 HPS lights have been converted to LED lights. OUC is three years through the five year conversion plan. 
18 Convert city facilities to solar power: parking meters, water quality monitors, street lights, auxiliary vehicle power (for a/c, cameras, GPS, etc). Long Term PWK Ongoing. Solar panels are installed at the Facilities Office and at the City Hall parking garage for the pool electric vehicles.
19 Real-time utility consumption metering of all municipal facilities, integrating into EMCS. 2020 FAC In progress, Lucid building OS platform.
20 LED retrofit of all facility lighting city-wide 2020 FAC In progress. All permanent fire station will have LEDs installed and will be 90% complete in October. Installations are also occurring at several community centers in City Hall.
21 Complete phase-out of environmentally harmful refrigerants Long Term  FAC In progress. 

Resiliency and Electricity

A key factor is a city’s overall resiliency is the resiliency of the electric grid. Extreme weather events can devastate an electric utilities generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Hardening of the distribution system, using resilient technologies and diversifying energy sources are approaches to protecting the system. The city has been concentrating on energy efficiency and utilizing solar energy in an effort to become more resilient and diversified in our energy sources. 

5. Water

Goal 4A: 50% reduction in use of potable water by 2030

Goal 4B: By 2040, the city shall increase the number of lakes meeting good water quality standards (Trophic State Index less than 61) 

Why Water is Important

The Lower Floridan Aquifer provides Central Florida its primary source of potable (drinking quality) water. Population growth and excessive usage practices are causing water withdrawal to exceed the aquifer’s natural replenishment. As a result, regional water utilities are considering new water sources. Since most of these sources will be more expensive than the aquifer, water efficiency remains the cheapest and greenest solution to meet future water needs.

Sixty-eight percent of the water the city uses is used for irrigation, of which fifteen percent is reclaimed water. The city uses water for maintaining parks, street medians, and operating city facilities. Using native, drought-tolerant landscaping represents one way to decrease the demand for landscape irrigation. A challenge to this reduction is the increase in city park acreage as the city grows in population and land area. 

Additionally, the quality of the water within Orlando’s is imperative to the health and economic well-being of the community. Polluted stormwater run-off from development, improper housekeeping practices, and fertilizer can place strains on the water quality. As a result, lakes can become murky, produce algae blooms, and become undesirable for recreation and wildlife diversity. Currently, the city tests 89 lakes and 79 of the 89 are rated as good quality (TSI less than 61).

In order to reach the long-term goal of reducing long-term potable water use by 50% from 2005 levels, continued improvements and efficiencies will have to be made through improved landscaping, improved irrigation technology, introduction of reclaimed water at other areas within the city, and more efficient indoor water fixtures. The city has also set the goal of ensuring all lakes have water quality that is classified as “good”.


  • 2005 potable water use: 429 million gallons
  • 2010 potable water use: 326 million gallons (24% decrease)
  • 77 out of 95 city lakes have good water quality (TSI less than 61) in 2010


  • 4a: Potable water reduction: 40% by 2017 from 2005 levels
  • 4b: Improve water quality at two additional lakes to meet the good water quality standard


  2005 2010  2015  2017 Goal 
Potable Water  429 mil gal   326 mil gal 320 mil gal 257.4 mil gal
City Lakes ----- 77 out of 95 (81.1%)   79 out of 89* (87.6%)   79 out of 89 (87.6%) - completed

*The number of city lakes that are tested fluctuates, in 2015 only 89 of the 95 lakes were tested. In order for a lake to be tested, four total samples are needed over the course of a year for the information to be completed and usable. Scheduled samples can be missed due to issues such as extreme weather, access, etc. Also, the total number of lakes in city also fluctuates due to the definition of a lake, currently 110 water bodies in the city are considered lakes.

2012-2015 Accomplishments

  1. The Parks Office has been making upgrades in order to reduce the city’s reliance on irrigation and use more sustainable practices.
    • Continually increasing the amount of mulched areas (decreasing grassed/irrigated areas) as trees grow.
    • Switched to using pine needles instead of pine bark as mulch. Pine needles are more sustainable as the pine trees drop their needles naturally, each year.
    • Utilizing more hardscape in congregation areas, this saves on having to re-sod grass when it is destroyed.
    • Note: all of the parks use potable water. However, some have pumps to use lake water; Lake Underhill, Demetree, Lake Rowena, Loch Haven, Lake Formosa and Lorna Doone.
  2. The ControlPort Irrigation system has been set up five parks, 11 systems in total, Loch Haven (1), Gaston Edwards (2), Lake Eola (6), Lake Underhill (1), and Demetree (1). ControlPort is set up in different zones depending on vegetation type in order to reduce water use. The meters show the usage and automatically shut down if there is a break or a head off and send an alert to the system. The information is reviewed and adjusted each month in order to ensure there are no leaks and the vegetation is getting the proper amount of irrigation. The Parks Office will be upgrading the existing ControlPorts and will evaluate areas for future needs and in contracted parks.
  3. The Streets and Stormwater Office has installed various stormwater structures to reduce debris and nutrients entering waterways, including baffle boxes, inlet baskets, alum treatment, and a bar screen system. Shoreline plantings have also reduced pollutants entering waterways. Additionally, as part of a vigorous education and outreach plan to decrease pollution, all city field employees and contractors are required to take a Stormwater Pollution Prevention class pertinent to their area of work.
  Water Action Items Timeframe Offices Involved Status Update 
1  Develop long-term lake and stormwater improvement plan. 2017  Stormwater In development.
2  Explore suitable rainwater, greywater, and condensation recovery options for irrigation. 2013 FAC  Completed in 2012 at the Orlando Science Center, found to not be financially feasible. See new action item #12.
3 Install efficient irrigation techniques in 5 parks (1 per year).  2017 FPR Met. ControlPoint irrigation system has been set up 5 parks, 11 systems in total. Loch Haven, Gaston Edwards Park (2), Lake Eola (6), Underhill, and Demetree.
4  Pilot 1/2 mile of naturalized landscaping in medians to determine success. 2012 Streets/Stormwater Not started.
5 Explore other opportunities to improve indoor water efficiencies. 2013 FAC Ongoing. Working on low flow efficiencies related to hot water supply for the community centers and fire stations; changing to solar heaters or hybrid heat pumps.
6 Institute bottled water purchase ban at City Hall.  2012 GW/PUR/Mayor's Office  Exploring ban P&P. Installed a bottle refill area on the 2nd floor water fountain. 
7  Retrofit landscaping in low-use areas to native landscaping. Long Term FAC/FPR Ongoing. Currently working on Park of Americas, Demetree Park and Bill Fredrick Park.
8 Consider using condensate recovery from A/c for irrigation. Long Term FAC Not started.
9 Retrofit pools with advanced filtration systems that reduce water use. Long Term FAC Not started.
10 Identify areas where irrigation can be removed/permanently shut off. Long Term FPR/Stormwater This is reviewed monthly and while irrigation may be shut off in areas, it is rarely removed. Each new meter costs $14k.
11 Create a prioritization plan for reduction in invasive species on city property. Long Term FPR Informal Plan - ongoing. Langford, Clear Lake and Airport Lakes are in maintenance mode. Park of the Americas, Lake Druid Park and Bill Frederick Park are ongoing. Working to obtain a grant to finish Demetree Park.
12 Re-explore suitable rainwater, greywater, and condensation recovery options for irrigation as prices are reduced.  Long Term FAC New action item. 
13 Expand the reclaimed water system to offset groundwater withdrawal and to minimize impacts Long Term PWK New action item. Ongoing. The city is working with developers to expand the reclaimed water systems in new areas where service is available. Working with OUC on estimating future supply and possible area to retrofit. 

Resiliency and the City’s Water

As water scarcity relates to the city’s parks, there are certain expectations that are held for the condition of the parks. Because of these expectations, the park areas that would be difficult to shut off the irrigation to would be Lake Eola, Edwards Park and the various ball fields. Turning off the water would not affect most of the city’s parks, due to the switch to naturalized landscape and more mulched/treed areas. It would take six months of drought to have a drastic effect on city parks.

The city lakes and watershed areas are affected by drought as well. Lower water levels can cause losses or destruction of fish and wildlife habitat and lack of food and drinking water for wild animals. However, in contrast, lower lake levels improve the quality of lake water.

All of the city’s water reclamation facilities (WRFs) produce highly treated reclaimed water that is suitable for irrigation, make-up water for cooling towers and other purposes. Reclaimed water is a vital component of the recent Water Supply Plan for Orlando. The use of reclaimed water for irrigation lessens the need for groundwater withdrawal and if done strategically can offset negative impacts to groundwater withdrawal.

6. Transportation: Fleet

Goal 5: Run City Fleet Vehicles on 100% renewable sources by 2030

Why a green fleet is important

The city maintains a fleet of approximately 2,389 vehicles (rolling stock) and pieces of motorized equipment. Of the vehicles, the average fleet fuel economy is approximately 18.2 miles per gallon. Overall, fleet fueling costs exceed $5.8 million per year. The city’s fleet of 2,389 vehicles includes:

  • 731 Cars
  • 615 light trucks
  • 162 trucks (e.g. solid waste, fire trucks, wastewater hauling trucks)
  • 35 motorcycles

Heavy fuel costs will likely rise at a faster rate and remain more volatile than other costs tracked as part of the Municipal Sustainability Plan. Due to these factors, placing greater emphasis on reducing fuel consumption will produce positive impacts for the city’s sustainability goals and budget planning. Increasing the use of alternative fuels provides an opportunity for substantial GHG reductions.

Benchmarks: 2010

  • Alternative fueled vehicles: 273 out of 2,100 vehicles
  • Fleet fuel economy: 17.8 mpg
  • Diesel consumption (5% biofuel): 865,894 gallons
  • Gasoline consumption (10% biofuel): 1,231,583 gallons
  • Fuel cost: $5.3 million
  • Carbon: 19,724 (Tonnes CO2)


  • 25% reduction in fossil diesel and gasoline use by 2017


 2010 2015  2017 Goal 
865,894 gal. diesel 729,238 gal. diesel 649,421 gal. diesel
1,231,583 gal. gasoline   1,234,547 gal. gasoline   923,688 gal. gasoline
19,724 tonnes carbon 18,523 tonnes carbon  15,299 tonnes carbon

Includes CNG

The modest overall reduction in fuel use is due to the increase in the amount of vehicles as well as the increase in service area due to annexations. While the reduction in fuel use has been relatively small, there has been an increase in vehicle fuel efficiency. In 2010 the fuel efficiency was 1,046 gallons of fuel per vehicle and 2015 it was 920.2 gallons of fuel per vehicle.

 2012-2015 Accomplishments

  1. The Fleet Office works with each department in order to purchase the right vehicle for the needed use; this encourages the use of smaller vehicles.
  2. The Fleet Office has purchased 15 hybrid and 7 electric vehicles since 2012; below is a full list of the alternative fuel or propulsion vehicles in the city fleet. Funding is needed to install more electric vehicle plug in stations, this cost cannot be covered through the vehicle replacement fund.
  3. The city has replaced 50% of the solid waste fleet with trucks fueled by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Hydraulic Hybrid (HH). The CNG trucks will accomplish a 62% reduction in fuel costs over the traditional gasoline powered trucks.
  4. The Fleet Office has begun using biodiesel, which is a form of diesel fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases. It is safe, biodegradable, and produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel.
  5. The city is working towards a full hybrid police fleet. A fuel reduction had been made by choosing V6’s instead of V8’s in recent purchases.
  6. Warranty work on vehicles is now being performed in house; there is less reliance on consultants and dealers. This saves time in two ways, the work is normally done quicker and the employees are back on the job faster.
  7. The carbon emissions factor was added to the benchmarks in 2014 because the city fleet is becoming more diversified in the type of fuel used, the carbon factor allows for a uniform measuring tool.
 Fleet: Alternative Fuel or Propulsion
Number of Vehicles Type
933 E85 compatible vehicles
 709 Bio-Diesel compatible vehicles
28 Hydraulic Hybrid/Bio-Diesel refuse trucks
30 CNG Refuse Trucks
15 Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas
67 All Electric LSEV
6 Hybrid Ford Escapes
5 Eco-Boost Ford Escapes
11 Eco-Boost Ford Fusions
6 Nissan Electric LEAF’s
6 Chevrolet Volt’s
20  Hybrid Ford Fusion’s
41  Toyota Camry Hybrid’s
1,877 Total Alternative Fuel/ Propulsion System Vehicles
79% Percentage of fleet with some form of an alternative fuel or propulsion system.
  Transportation Action Items Timeframe Offices Involved  Status Update
1 Develop green vehicle program that ensures right vehicle for use, including: 2012 Fleet/GW   Ongoing. Fleet coordinates with offices to establish need and fits appropriate vehicle. 
  A. Begin tracking fleet fuel economy average - ensure net MPG increase of 15% between 2011 and 2015. 2012  Fleet/GW  Ongoing. Researching new data solutions, driver inputted data can be inaccurate.
  B. Develop policy to right-size vehicle purchases with job function, with a greater emphasis on smaller vehicles. 2012 Fleet  Ongoing. Fleet meets with offices to establish need and fits appropriate vehicle.
2 Explore options to increase pool vehicles at City Hall and decrease # of assigned vehicles. 2012 Fleet  Every new Fleet Asset acquisition is reviewed to determine if a transformative technology vehicle can be utilized to replace conventional powered vehicles.
3 Explore methods to increase bio content in fuel.  2012 Fleet  Ongoing, with a partnership between the City and the Orlando Utilities Commission to jointly develop E-85 & Renewable Fuels infrastructures and jointly use them.
4 Identify grant opportunities to pilot CNG and hydraulic hybrid solid waste trucks. 2012 Fleet/Solid Waste Ongoing. Currently have 19 CNG trucks, the remainder of the SW fleet will be switched over in FY15/16 to CNG or HH.
5 Ensure all light vehicles purchased are flex, hybrid, or electric. 2015 Fleet/GW Ongoing. Purchases align with this policy.
6 Purchase 25 electric vehicles by 2016 (BEV or PHEV). 2016 Fleet/GW On track. Seven electric vehicles purchased, funds are needed for more charging stations.
7 Explore methods of producing our own ethanol or biodiesel. Ongoing PWK/Fleet  Ongoing. GW is working with the Wastewater Division, funding is difficult.
8 Reduce gasoline vehicle idling times. Ongoing Fleet/All City Vehicles Ongoing. Idle technology is available but may need to be added to education section.
9 Pilot police fleet efficiency improvements. Long Term Fleet/Police  Ongoing. Idle technology available but back up energy for lights at a scene takes up truck space. Recently purchased two electric vehicles.

Resiliency and the City Fleet

The ability for the city fleet to recover quickly and react to an incident is an important component to the city’s overall resiliency. The city has 72 hours of fuel on hand; this allows the city fleet to remain in operation during times of disaster. The implementation of fuel purchasing cards allows employees to refuel city vehicles at any gas station, previously city vehicles had to be refueled at city refueling stations. This is important because it provides more refueling options and gas stations in Florida are required to have generators in order to pump fuel. Also, each fire department has a diesel tank and a generator. Finally, in disasters, the Solid Waste Office and the Parks Office work together sharing equipment and clearing debris. This coordinated effort allows for a faster response – since the departments already know their duties, and an expanded area of effectiveness.

7. Transportation: Employee Commuting

Goal 6: Most city employees commute by clean sources (walk, bike, transit, carpool, or high-efficiency vehicle) by 2030

Why green employee committing is important

The city employs over 4,400 people at locations throughout the city, 1,421 of these employees are temporary/seasonal workers. Each employee’s commute has the potential to be the biggest part of their carbon footprint. For a typical 20-mile round trip commute the annual GHG emissions impact can change dramatically as fuel-saving options are implemented:

  • Drive Alone (low-mileage vehicle): 6,726 lbs. CO2
  • Drive Alone (high-mileage vehicle): 3,058 lbs. CO2
  • Carpool (2 people): 1,529 to 3,363 lbs. (CO2 depends on vehicle mileage)
  • Bus: 2,600 lbs. CO2
  • Bicycle or walk: 1 lbs. CO2

 If all employees drive alone, city employees’ collective carbon footprint could be as high as 21.2 million pounds CO2 per year. If an employee with a low mileage car takes the bus to work once a week, their commuting carbon footprint will decrease by 12 percent. Small individual changes can add up to a substantial city-wide impact. Another important consideration is the physical location of city facilities and their proximity to transit lines. This affects not only city employees, but also the general public – for example, opening a new recreation center far from bus lines means that a portion of the population will not have access to that city service. The city has the long-term goal of having every city employee arrive to work by sustainable transportation sources (aka clean sources) – walking, biking, public transit, carpooling, a vehicle with high mileage or a vehicle that utilizes alternative fuel sources.


  • 20% of employees commute by clean sources by 2017.


2010   2015 2017 Goal 
7% 23.2%   20% of total employees

2012-2015 Accomplishments

  1. SunRail Phase 1 opened for service on May 1, 2014, phase one includes 12 stations and runs from Debary to Sand Lake Road. The 2014 ridership was 1,020,425. In support of employee commuting options the city offers half priced SunRail tickets to employees.
  2. The city has been actively installing bike racks and has installed approximately 70 racks since 2012. There is also a city program for businesses to request a bike rack in front of their business.
  3. As part of Orlando’s continued commitment to improving the availability and effectiveness of bicycle routes and trails, the City of Orlando contracted with HDR in 2013-2014 to conduct a bike study. HDR utilized GIS data, maps, studies and plans from the City of Orlando and adjacent jurisdictions to assess the local trail network. The resulting report details the overall health and connectivity of Orlando’s trails, and identifies significant network gaps.
  4. The Lymmo, which provides free bus service to downtown Orlando, has been expanded to include a Grapefruit circulator route generally from Thornton Park to Parramore. April 2015 the Orange line was extended to Marks, through Magnolia and Orange.
  5. The city’s bike share program kicked off Phase 1 shortly after the 2012-2014 report period, in January of 2015, and has 200 bicycles located at 34 stations. These bicycles are available to rent by the hour. As of June 2015, there is a total membership of 1,569 persons and 5,575 miles ridden.
  6. Five bike repair stations have been installed. Bicycle repair stations provide cyclists with the convenience of fixing their bicycles without the need to go home or a bicycle repair shop. This encourages more people to bicycle and provides residents with an additional bicycle amenity.
  7. The city implemented a car share in November 2013 and transitioned to Zipcar in 2016. Carshare is a program in which pre-approved members are proved access to a fleet of self-service vehicles for the purpose of short-term rentals. Zipcar is proved in six locations throughout the city.
Benchmarks: Main Mode of Transportation 
Mode  2009  2016
Walk 2% 1.7% 
Bicycle <1% 0% 
Motorcycle or scooter  Not surveyed 1.3%
Transit 4% ---
   Bus  --- 0%
   SunRail --- 6.7%
Carpool 10% --- 
   2 people 
--- 5.4% 
   3 or more people --- 0.3% 
High mileage vehicle (more than 50 mpg) Not surveyed 9.1%
Drove alone in a non- mileage vehicle  Not surveyed 75.4%

While the adjacent table states that 0% of employees use bicycle as their main mode of transportation, 3% use a bicycle to commute sometimes. Some factors that affect the decision on how to commute are the distance from work to home, the ability to link trips together, the comfort of a personal vehicle and the heat and/or weather. A large percentage of employees have short a commute distance, 49% are within 10 miles and only 20% are more than 20 miles. City employees also link trips together (91%).

  Transportation Action Items  Timeframe Offices Involved  Status Update 
 1 a. Expand employee commuter benefits to include SunRail. 2012  TP/HR Completed.  Half priced Lynx bus tickets and SunRail tickets available and carpool/vanpool options offered through ReThink Orlando.  
   b. Federal tax incentive program (benefit to all city employees).  Long Term TP/HR  Currently not cost effective. This would cost employees more since a program would be needed to implement. Reevaluate at a later date. 
 2 Develop greater use of bicycles for downtown use, Parks and Waste Water Plants.  Long Term Unassigned  Ongoing. Bikeshare opened 1/9/15 with one of the locations adjacent to City Hall. 
 3 Secure bicycle parking at all city employee worksites and explore bike-sharing for downtown needs.  Long Term TP Ongoing. Secure bicycle parking available at City Hall, Facilities Management Office, Primrose Plaza, all LEED buildings and new fire stations. Bikeshare opened 1/15 and now has 20 locations. 
 4 Consider a telecommuting policy.   Long Term  Unassigned Not feasible at this time. Reevaluate at a later date. 
 5 Shower facilities at employee worksites with 20 or more employees. Long Term Unassigned Shower facilities located at City Hall, Facilities Management, LEED buildings, Primrose Plaza and all fire stations (17).

Resiliency and Employee Commuting

Expanding employee commuting options contributes to the employees’ personal resiliency. If a person has multiple commuting options it makes them more resilient if one mode is eliminated. Through education and events, the city aims to assist employees in expanding their commuting options.

8. Materials Management and Purchasing

Goal 7: 100% of municipal materials meet environmentally-preferential purchasing (EPP) and disposal standards by 2030 

Why green materials management and purchasing is important

Like an effective green building program, the city’s purchasing strategy can drive change in the broader marketplace through its purchasing power. The city purchases large quantities of cleaning supplies, paper products and computers. Ensuring that these products meet sustainable criteria sends signals to the marketplace that sustainable product demand exists. As the city reduces the amount of products purchased and promotes greater recycling participation, costs will be reduced and other organizations can adopt best practices based on the city’s experiences.

The city will reduce the amount of purchases that it makes through more efficient use of products, reduce the environmental impacts of the products it purchases by developing an Environmentally Preferential Purchasing (EPP) policy and ensure that all discarded material is recycled. In order to accomplish this goal, each department must conserve and utilize existing materials and consistently choose more sustainable new products.


  • 2010 purchasing contracts issued that meet EPP standards: None
  • 2010 reams of paper purchased: 17,000 reams
  • 2010 products in city stores catalog that meet EPP: 41 of 1131 products
  • 2010 City Hall recycling rate: 38%


  • Ensure 50% of materials purchased follow Environmentally Preferential Purchasing guidelines by 2017
  • 50% reduction in paper by 2017
  • Achieve 60% recycling rate at all city facilities and benchmark at all major facilities


  2010  2015  2017 Goal 
Purchasing Contracts  0 0 ---
Reams of Paper Purchased   17,000   14,340   8,500
City Hall Recycling Rate 38% 53%* 60%

*The City Hall Recycling Rate of 53% is for 2016.

2012-2015 Accomplishments

  • The implementation of the Workday program has reduced printing and paper use, the contract was signed in 2011/2012 and the program went live in May 2014. Requisitions are done through the system, prior to Workday a project was printed three times throughout the process.
  • The implementation of ProjectDox program has reduced printing and paper use. ProjectDox was kicked off January 2016, applicants upload the Municipal Sustainability Plan, 2016 Progress Report 25 application files to the program and the city reviewers review the electronic files. Applicants no longer need to bring in 16 copies of the application files, though for some applications they need to bring in one hard copy of the survey and legal description. The system is currently optional for permitting application but will eventually be required.
  • In 2015, the vending machines were replaced with energy star machines with an automated inventory tie in.
  • The city has initiated recycling programs in every city Recreation Center. KOB and Green Works partnership. Education and monitoring is ongoing.
  Materials Action Items   Timeframe Offices Involved  Status Update
1 Develop an Environmentally Preferential Purchasing policy.  2016 PUR/GW/FAC  Timeframe changed to 2017
2 Explore options to increase recycled content in paper such as business cards.  2012 PUR/COM/FAC  Completed. Too expensive, will reevaluate periodically.  
3  Focus on sustainable products in City Stores.  2013 PUR/GW  Not started. Strategy is to reorder catalog to put sustainable products at the beginning. 
4  Develop a Green Purchasing Resource Guide. 2012  PUR/GW Not started.
5 Institute EPA Wastewise at all major facilities (wastewise tracks recycling rates) and appoint champions at all facilities.   2014 FAC/GMP/Solid Waste   Not started.
6 Explore expanded e-waste and ink cartridge recycling.  2012 PUR Completed, within current printer contract. 
7  Ensure demolition and construction debris for all projects over $x. 2012 CIP Ongoing.
8  Explore online MPB/BZA submissions as part of Permitting evolution to paperless permitting.  2013  TM/Planning  Ongoing. A contractor has been selected (City Council adoption of contract pending). Program should be implemented by 2017. 
9 Shift to double-sided printing as default.  2012 TM Not started.
10 Create fax-to-email option to eliminate paper waste.  2012 TM Completed. 
11 Reduce paper for City Commission meetings. 2013 TM/Clerk Completed. The Novus system and Commissioner iPads removed the need for multiple paper copies. One paper copy is provided for the record and signatures.
12 Launch a paper reduction campaign 2017 COM/GW/FAC Will kick off after EPP is in place. Timeframe changed to 2017.
13 Institute electronic RFP and bidding process.  2012/2013 PWK/FAC/TM Completed.
14 EDV strategy: create manufacturing facilities around the waste stream. Long Term Green Works/Solid Waste Not started.
15 Consider productive options for green waste, such as energy production.  Long Term  Green Works/Solid Waste In progress.
16 Enhance use of more sustainable fertilizer both for city operations and in the community. Long Term Streets-Stormwater/FPR  Completed. This is within the Land Development Code, section 31.26.
17 Paperless recordkeeping.  Long Term Unassigned Ongoing. Workday and Novus completed, paperless permitting in process. 
18 Ensure local food content for city contracts. Long Term Green Works/Purchasing/Venues Not started.
19  Add recycling bins to all city garbage cans in the ROW. 2018 Green Works/Solid Waste/DDB 1st phase will be for Downtown and Lake Eola. 

20  Reduce paper towel use or compost them. Long Term Unassigned  In progress in City Hall in conjunction with the bathroom upgrades.

Resiliency and Materials Management and Purchasing

Through conserving products, utilizing existing materials and consistently choosing more sustainable new products, the city will become a leader in sustainable business practices. These practices will allow the city to continue operating without jeopardizing the well-being of future generations. These decisions will influence city employees to continue these practices in their own homes, therefore increasing the demand for sustainable products and mindful living.

9. Urban Forest

Goal 8A: 95% of potential street tree spaces contain living trees by 2030

Goal 8B: All facilities are planted with native landscaping in areas 

Why the urban forest is important

The urban forest provides a host of benefits to both the city and the community, including:

  • Carbon dioxide absorption
  • Shade and reduced air conditioning needs
  • Increased property values
  • Stormwater absorption
  • Traffic calming along streets and pedestrian buffers from vehicles
  • Habitat for wildlife

The city best promotes the urban forest through the planting and maintaining of street trees. Further efforts to promote native landscaping will reduce irrigation, fertilizer use, and stormwater runoff into lakes. Active recreation areas such as ball fields and picnic areas may continue to be planted with sod, but efforts will be made to minimize irrigation and fertilizer use by using rain sensors and other technologies.


  • 85,237 of 101,870 street tree spaces contain trees (84%) in 2010
  • 756 street trees planted in 2010
  • 2010 City facilities using primarily native species: 3 of 219 facilities


  • Plant a net gain of 4,000 street trees by 2017
  • Convert landscaping at 5 city facilities to native landscaping by 2017


  2010   2015  2017 Goal 
Street Trees  756 1,796   Net gain of 4,000
Facilities 3 3 8 facilities (5 new)

2012-2015 Accomplishments

The street tree program is ongoing and offers Orlando residents and businesses the opportunity to have their own tree. The Parks Division has two treeplanting programs: one for individuals and one for neighborhood groups or associations.

The city also hosts tree giveaways, which can add a significant amount of tree to neighborhoods and contributes to the City of Orlando’s goal of 40% tree canopy coverage, which is contained in the 2013 Green Works Orlando Community Action Plan. Businesses and philanthropies can sponsor tree giveaways to provide Orlando residents to free or low cost trees to put on private property.

  Urban Forest Action Items  Timeframe Offices Involved Status Update
Develop a new community tree program to supersede the 10,000 Trees Initiative.  2012 FPR/GW  2040 goal to increase canopy to 40% (within the Community Action Plan) aka “One-Person, One Tree Initiative”, to plant 250,000 trees to achieve the 40% tree canopy.  
2  Re-landscape at least one facility per year with native landscaping material. 2012  PWK/GW Not started.
Continue to support the Family, Parks and Recreation Urban Tree studio. Ongoing.  PUR/GW Ongoing. Instituted a recurring urban forestry meeting.
Explore more beneficial use for green waste. Ongoing.  PUR/GW/FAC

Ongoing. While anaerobic digestion is on hold, however energy recovery is being developed through an advanced waste process facility.

Resiliency and the Urban Forest

Urban forests provide a needed function in a city’s resiliency, in addition to being aesthetically pleasing and assist in human comfort in high temperature environments. Urban forests sequester carbon, a type of greenhouse gas, reduce energy consumption and reduce heat island effects. In order to provide these functions, and not become a hazard in a disaster, the canopy must remain healthy and sustain their growth.

10. Education

Goal 9: All city staff and public officials are engaged in making Orlando a more sustainable community

Why education is important

The city aims to get all employees fully engaged in sustainability efforts, both at work and in their homes. Only with each employee’s individual effort, support and insight will the city achieve its ambitious sustainability goals. As employees are educated about the merits of a sustainable Orlando, additional initiatives can be identified for employees to make an impact within their respective divisions. An effective feedback loop will continue to generate incremental improvements over time and involve new staff in the process. 

This engagement will occur through semi-annual education events focusing on providing education on best practices and the identification of green champions throughout each floor of City Hall, each Recreation Center, and each police and fire station to assist in implementing sustainability initiatives at their respective area.


  • 2010 recycling rate: 38% of waste (City Hall)
  • 2010 staff educational opportunities: 120 staff at 3 events
  • Future: city staff volunteers in environmental activities: currently untracked


  • Introduce bi-annual education and staff training for new city staff
  • Begin tracking and promoting environmental opportunities for city staff

2012-2015 Accomplishments

The city has been providing education and training materials to city residents, this information is also available to city staff. Staff specific training will be developed and offered in order to meet the 2017 and long term goals within this plan. In preparation of this training, employees were asked what topics they would like to learn about as part of the 2016 Sustainability Survey. Energy ranked the highest (66%), followed by gardening (52%), food (48%), water (43%), recycling (39%) and trees (28%).

  Education Action Items  Timeframe Offices Involved Status Update
Create an environmental purchasing specification committee.  2016 PUR/GW Will be created to develop the Environmentally Preferential Purchasing policy. Timeframe changed to 2017.
2 Develop a Green Purchasing Resource Guide for staff.   2012 PUR/GW/FAC Not started.
3 Launch a paper reduction campaign. 2017 GW/FAC Will kick off after EPP is in place. Timeframe changed to 2017.
4  Begin tracking staff green volunteering opportunities and participation. 2011 KOB  Not started.
5 Provide training and campaign on energy usage to city staff.  2012 FAC/GW Not started.
6 Provide voluntary semi-annual training on sustainable topics to city staff. 2012 GW Not started.
7 Nominate green champions for each major city facility and each floor at City Hall. 2013  GW Not started.

Resiliency and education

Education is a key component in creating a resilient community. Teaching sustainable practices to the city’s workforce allows the workforce to be more efficient and effective in their own lives. Once the populations is able to change, adapt, absorb, and learn from the various events and stresses that had adverse consequences to inhabitants, city structure and the environment.

11. Appendix

Acronyms of Departments and Offices

N/A Mayor's Office
BSF Business and Financial Services Department 
Capital Projects Office
Clerk Office Clerk City 
Planning Office Planning City Planning Office 
COM  Communications and Neighborhood Relations Office  
EDV Economic Development Department
FPR Families, Parks and Recreation Department
Fleet & FAC   Fleet and Facilities Management Office 
GW Green Works Orlando Office 
Housing Housing and Community Development Department 
KOB Keep Orlando Beautiful Office 

Orlando Utility Company Venues Orlando Venues

Venues Orlando Venues
PUR Procurement and Contracts Office 
PWK Public Works Department 
Real Estate Office
SW Solid Waste Office
STS   Streets and Stormwater Office
TM Technology Management Office
TENG Traffic Engineering Office 
WW Wastewater Office

Action Items That Have Been Moved

  Action Items  Timeframe Offices Involved Status Update
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Action Items 
3 Issue RFP for solid waste gasification. 2012 PWK No longer pursuing. Pursuing advanced materials recycling facility with possible energy production with the organic fracture (added as a new action item).
4 Consider measuring GHG impacts of food served in city venues. Institute local food preference, positive local business impact. 2013 Venues/Parks/RE Not needed, this is covered in the Community Action Plan local food portion.
Green Building Action Items
Affordable housing green building policies will be implemented as follows:   Housing #8 and sub items were deleted because the housing needs are determined by HUD. Requiring these policies may make the project unaffordable.
   a. 51% or more of the funding originating from the City requires green building certification   Housing  
   b. 26%-50% requires committing to achieving LEED points (certification not required)   Housing   
  c. 10-25% requires a narrative and/or LEED/green building checklist for Housing Dept review as to green building improvements will be achieved   Housing  
  d. Implemented for:   Housing  
  i. Existing rehabs 2014 2014  Housing  
  ii. Multi-family (new construction and rehabs) and commercial rehabs  2015 Housing  
  iii. Single family new construction 2013 Housing  
  iv. CDBG or other grant funded projects   Housing  

v. Roof replacement. Consider roof vegetation and rain harvesting to lengthen roof lifecycle (50 yrs instead of 15-20). FS #1 is an example. Goal should be to re-write specs for roofing contracts and better collaborate with green building industry.

Long Term Housing   
 Electricity Action Items
18  All newly constructed Housing Dept projects will receive FGBC or LEED certification 2012 Housing 

#18, 19 & 20 were deleted because the housing needs are determined by HUD. Requiring these policies may make the project unaffordable.

19 Any private new construction projects receiving City-funding in excess of 33% of the construction cost will achieve LEED certification by 2012 2012  2012 Housing   
20 Create an Orlando green building certification for affordable housing/residential 2015 Housing  
Materials Action Items
 2 Create an environmental purchasing specification committee 2013 PUR/GW/FAC  This is not necessary.
Institute paperless permitting 2013 TM/EDV This was merged with #9
Convert default printing to century gothic, reduces ink usage 20% Long Term Unassigned  This is excessive restriction.
"Green" firms awarded points in contract review (similar to MWBE)  Long Term Unassigned This will be covered under the EPP.

Action Items That Have Been Amended

   Action Items Timeframe Offices Involved  Status Update
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Action Items Provided in report
 2 Develop supercritical or anaerobic digestion energy generation at wastewater plants. 2017 PWK   
Green Building Goal
 Goal 2: Ensure that all City-funded buildings, built after 2012, meet green building standards by 2030
Green Building Action Items
4  Achieve green certification for City Hall. 2016 FAC  
Electricity Action Items
6  Occupancy sensors for office lighting.  2016 FAC  
Hot water - convert electric hot water tanks to solar, heat pump, natural gas or BAS controlled. 2017 FAC  
9  Web-based Energy Management System to replace existing thermostats. 2018 FAC  
Shut off lights at night in unoccupied buildings, setback thermostat set points at night. 2018  FAC  
Install 2 MW of solar. 2018 GW/FAC  
Install solar thermal at 5 facilities. 2017 FAC/GW  
Convert 5 city buildings to net zero energy usage, including Fleet & Facilities Mgmt Complex. 2018 FAC/GW  
Convert LED street lights at locations where City pays for electricity directly. 2012 TENG/GW   
Convert city facilities to solar power: parking meters, water quality monitors, street lights, auxiliary vehicle power (for a/c, cameras, GPS, etc.). Long Term FAC  
LED retrofit of all facility lighting city-wide. 2020 FAC   
Complete phase-out of environmentally harmful refrigerants. Long Term FAC  
Water Action Items
1  Develop long-term lake and stormwater improvement plan. 2017 Stormwater  
Install efficient irrigation techniques in 5 parks (1 per year). 2017 Parks  
Pilot 1/2 mile of naturalized landscaping in medians to determine success. 2012 Streets/Stormwater  
Consider using condensate recovery from A/c for irrigation. Long Term FAC  
Retrofit pools with advanced filtration systems that reduce water use. Long Term FAC  
Identify areas where irrigation can be removed/permanently shut off. Long Term Parks/Stormwater  
Create a prioritization plan for reduction in invasive species on city property. Long Term Parks  
Transportation - Fleet Action Items
Develop policy to right-size vehicle purchases with job function, with a greater emphasis on smaller vehicles 2012  Fleet  
Material Action Items
1  Develop an Environmentally Preferential Purchasing policy. 2016 PUR/GW/FAC   
Launch a paper reduction campaign. 2017 COM/GW/FAC  
EDV strategy: create manufacturing facilities around the waste stream. Long Term Green Works/Solid Waste  
Consider productive options for green waste, such as energy production. Long Term Green Works/ Solid Waste  
16  Enhance use of more sustainable fertilizer both for city operations and in the community. Long Term Street-Stormwater/Parks  
Ensure local food content for city contracts.  Long Term Green Works/Purchasing/ Venues  
Add recycling bins to all city garbage cans in the ROW.  2018 Green Works/Solid Waste/DDB  
Education Action Items
1  Create an environmental purchasing specification committee. 2016 PUR/GW  
Launch a paper reduction campaign. 2017 GW/FAC