Residential Energy Resources

Improving household energy efficiency helps conserve resources, lower utility bills and improve comfort and resilience. Average temperatures and the number of extremely hot days are also on the rise, and this directly effects energy consumption. Below are a variety of resources for residents who may be looking for energy efficiency upgrades, energy conservation tips or utility bill assistance.

Lowering Your Energy Bill

How much energy is used for each area of our home is different. Knowing where our energy is being used can help when looking to create efficiency and making conservation decisions. Air conditioning and electric heating, 52%, water heater 17%, refrigerator and freezer 8%, lighting 5%, washer and dryer 4%, everyday plug ins 4%, range and oven 2%, dishwasher 1% and 7% for irrigation and other cosmetic appliances.How much energy is used for each area of our home is different. Knowing where our energy is being used can help when looking to create efficiency and making conservation decisions.
  • Air conditioning and electric heating 52%
  • Water heater 17%
  • Refrigerator and freezer 8%
  • Lighting 5%
  • Washer and dryer 4%
  • Everyday plug ins 4%
  • Range and oven 2%
  • Dishwasher 1%
  • For irrigation and other cosmetic appliances 7%

Learn more on how to save on your energy bill below.

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