Dee Hershberger

The Power of Giving 

Dee Hershberger

She is a really humble person,” says Toni Crabtree, a leader of the nearby Lake Underhill Neighborhood Association. “Since the beginning of the pandemic, Dee has been hosting socially distanced carport breakfasts and other opportunities for her neighbors, especially elderly ones.”

Dee “Hershey” Hershberger is a retired schoolteacher of 35 years known for handing out silver wrapped kisses with the same name. She has been a resident of the Monterrey neighborhood for 40 years and her love for her neighborhood and neighbors is unmistakeable. It isn’t uncommon to see Dee readying not only her home, but those around her for an oncoming storm. She knows who has special needs and who did or didn’t get enough rations should the lights go out – her preparedness ensures that no one in her neighborhood will go without help.

Dee truly understands the power of giving and opens her arms to anyone in need. During the tough days of the pandemic when many of Dee's neighbors could no longer accomplish their normal routine errands, Dee was making trips to the grocery store, pharmacy runs and mowing grass, before anyone could so much as ask.

Ask Dee and she doesn’t hesitate to tell you her motto is “It’s better to give and share what you have than it is to receive.” And, truly, she doesn’t stop giving. Dee collects bicycles, gently used clothes and other items to give to organizations in need. She’s currently collecting for the Russell Home for Atypical Children, one of Dee’s favorite places to visit and support, which by the way, she strongly encourages we all visit and fall in love with.

It’s not hard to see why Dee is a long-standing, well-respected neighborhood leader, earning her awards for Neighborhood Watch Block Captain of the year and a spot on the District 2 Leaders Council. As for the carport breakfasts, you can stop by her home on most days and you’ll find Dee offering small bites to eat, just in case you’re hungry and need some company. Thank you Dee, for all you do!