Accelerate Orlando

As a result of two decades of fiscal responsibility, the City of Orlando plans to “Accelerate Orlando” by leveraging $58 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funds to further our efforts in tackling two of our community’s most daunting challenges: homelessness and affordable housing.

Currently we are housing nearly 400 previously homeless residents in permanent, supportive housing. And, over the past few years, we’ve invested more than $43 million to create or preserve housing options for residents at all income levels. 

The City of Orlando plans to accelerate our efforts by investing in agencies who provide shelter and wrap-around services to homeless individuals during the day, particularly in downtown Orlando.

Our plans include:

  • Investing in the Christian Service Center, Salvation Army, and Coalition for the Homeless to modernize their campuses and provide services to address the needs of unsheltered homeless during the daytime

  • Investing in Pathlight Home to reinvigorate the vision for the Pathways Drop In Center supporting the development of additional space for essential daytime services for individuals who have been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses


The city is also making investments that will increase the overall availability of affordable housing in our city by:

  • Converting a blighted hotel on Colonial Drive into Palm Gardens Orlando Apartments, which will provide 150 apartments once completed in 2024, including 15 units for permanent supportive housing

  • Developing up to 80 apartments for mixed-income affordable housing on Jefferson Street

  • Developing approximately 15 single-family homes in Parramore and Holden Heights

  • Expanding down payment support, housing counseling and access to housing repairs for low-income residents 

In addition to our efforts to “Accelerate Orlando” investments in homelessness and affordable housing, the city is also allocating funding to support: