In September 2012, the Orlando Fire Department began pursuit of international accreditation by the Center for Public Safety Excellence. By October 2012, OFD had assembled a diverse team of about 30 employees tasked with addressing the self-assessment requirements of the accreditation process.
In January 2013, the City Council adopted both the 2013-2017 OFD Strategic Plan and the Standards of Cover and Community Risk Assessment. The Self-Assessment Manual was completed in February 2013. By all accounts, the Self-Assessment Manual produced by this team was of exceptional quality and is serving the department well.
Self-Assessment is a discovery process that provides the ability to evaluate programs and activities in relation to improving the quality of the organization by increasing the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of the Department. There are 43 specific criteria used to sub-categorize the 258 performance indicators within the ten measured categories. There are 82 core competencies within the total 258 Performance Indicators, and they must be met without exception to achieve accreditation.
After completing all required steps and providing all required documentation, including the 2013-2017 Strategic Plan, 2013 Standards of Cover and 2013 Self-assessment Manual to the Commission, the OFD was elevated to Candidate Agency Status by the CFAI in February 2013.
During the week of April 28, 2013, a three-member CFAI Peer Assessment Team was on site to evaluate the Department. On May 2, 2013, the Peer Assessment Team announced that OFD would be recommended for international accreditation. After a unanimous vote of approval by the full commission during a public hearing, in Chicago on August 15, 2013, OFD became the largest municipality within Orange County to achieve international accreditation. OFD is currently one of 38 departments worldwide to have both international accreditation and an ISO PPC rating of 1.