Hurricane Tips From Water Reclamation
Whenever there is heavy rain, the sanitary sewer system can become overwhelmed by the increased water intruding the system. Excess water can enter from:
- Clean out lines are a vertical pipe connected to the underground sewer line. It has a removable cap for ease of maintenance access. These caps ensure that unwanted water and debris stay out of the lines.
- Small cracks in the system
Help minimize issues by following these tips:
Check your clean out caps to ensure they are in place and tightened.
Report sewer lids that are not properly closed to water reclamation dispatch at 407.246.2213.
Address any blockage concerns in your sanitary sewer lines with a plumber to ensure a clear flow.
To prevent clogging keep these items out of your drain
- Flushable wipes
- Menstrual products
- Kitchen grease
- Minimize your usage of running water to avoid sewage overflow by:
- Avoid running washing machines and dishwashers
- Take quick showers instead of baths
- Flush toilets sparingly
- Report stopped sewers or overflows of sewers to Water Reclamation dispatch at 407.246.2213.
- If a lift station alarm sounds near your home, call the posted number of the lift station you collected BEFORE the storm
- Please do not go outside in the middle of a storm
If you have any questions concerning these hurricane tips from Water Reclamation, contact Kimberlie Schionning at 407.246.2657 or by email at