Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Around

Can I access the facility before sunrise or at/after sunset?

No. The gate is automatically controlled by the City of Orlando. It opens at sunrise and closes at sunset. Violators may be trespassed.


Is there a cost for admission and parking?

Admission and parking are free, but donations are accepted. Parking may be limited during peak seasons (winter & spring).


Where are restrooms located?

Restroom facilities are only located at the front entrance of the facility.


Can I bring my pet?

No. Pets are not permitted at the wetlands leashed or unleashed. There are hundreds of alligators as well as birds of prey present.


Can I drive my car through the Orlando Wetlands?

No. Motorized vehicles are prohibited except for staff.

Can I bring my electric bike, scooter, Segway, hoverboard, etc.? Can I bring my electric wheelchair or mobility assistance device?

  • Recreational electric & gas-powered vehicles (bikes, Segways, hoverboards, etc.): These are not permitted.
  • Mobility assistance devices (wheelchairs, pedal-assist bikes, handicap scooters, etc.): These are permitted so long as you’re not a danger to pedestrians and speeds are kept low.


Is the wetlands handicap accessible?

Most facilities are. The parking lot has reserved spaces. The Education Center and Cypress Boardwalk are accessible as are some picnic tables. Berm roads throughout the park are predominantly compacted sand-shell that is wheelchair accessible in good weather conditions.


Can I bring my stroller?

Yes you can.

How big is the area and how long does it take to get around?

The Orlando Wetlands is 1650 acres and over 18 miles of berm road trails. Please pick up a map at the front entrance or access it on our website. The average visit is about two to four hours. There are over 18 miles of berms. 


What is and isn't permitted on the boardwalk and wooded trails?

The boardwalk is for pedestrians only, but you may walk your bike. The wooded trails are for hiking only; no bicycles. Horses are not permitted on the boardwalk or on wooded trails except for the designated equestrian trail.


Pricing and Food 

Where can I get water in the facility?

We recommend you bring your own water bottle. The facility has a public drinking fountain located on the east side of the restrooms. There is also a water bottle filling station. Soft drinks and bottled water are available for purchase only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays* when there is an attendant in the Education Center.

*Sundays: September – April only.


Where can I buy lunch?

There is no nearby restaurant, but there is soft drinks and water available in the Education Center which is open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays* only. Many visitors bring drinks and a picnic lunch.

*Sundays: September – April only.



Wildlife and Pets

How many alligators are at the Orlando Wetlands?

In 2015 it was estimated that there are over 1700 alligators. Please supervise your children at all times and stay on top of the berm roads.


Can we feed the animals?

Absolutely not! This creates a danger for yourself and other visitors. Alligators and other potentially dangerous animals that lose their fear of humans will need to be euthanized.


I see an injured animal at the wetlands. What should I do?

Do not touch or attempt to "rescue" the animal in any way. Contact the facility if it is a Threatened or Endangered species. Animals live and die in the wetlands every day. Human interference would only disrupt the natural cycle of life and would put you in danger. Remember: an injured animal is still a wild animal.



About the Facility

What government agency oversees the Orlando Wetlands?

The Orlando Wetlands is a facility of the City of Orlando, Public Works Department, Wastewater Division.


What kind of special events do you have?

Biennially, the facility sponsors the Orlando Wetlands Festival. Other special events such as classes and guided hikes may also occur during the year.


What should I wear to the wetlands?

Proper dress is important. The berms are very open and so exposure to sun and wind are always possible. A wide brimmed hat is recommended as are comfortable, closed-toed shoes to help avoid fire ants, sand spurs, etc.


Does the facility have a Lost & Found?

Yes. If you have already left the facility for the day and realized you lost an item, you may call 407.568.1706 to inquire.