Vertical Barriers

While many vertical barriers can be used for the same project types, it is important to consider the following factors when selecting a vertical barrier for a specific installation: 

  • Installation: consider ease of installation and potential long-term impacts 
  • Maintenance: some barriers require more maintenance or upkeep than others 
  • Aesthetics & Durability: some projects may benefit from or desire more aesthetically pleasing or durable barriers than others 
  • Cost & Availability: materials are not always available or within a given project’s budget 
  • Level of comfort: some barriers make people walking and biking feel better protected from people driving 
  • Traffic calming: barriers that provide more vertical deflection are typically more successful at calming traffic and reducing speeds 
  • Accessibility (both for people as well as maintenance and emergency vehicles): a barrier that works for one project may not work for another depending on the local context