D. Installation Plan

  • Obtain necessary approvals, assign responsibilities, prepare site for installation, and gather materials prior to installation day
  • On installation day, focus attention on the following:
    • Safety
    • Site preparation and installation plan
    • Documentation
    • Communication
    • Project opening/Inauguration event (optional)

Before Installation Day

  • Ensure necessary permits and approvals have been obtained (see Stakeholder Checklist)
  • Develop a detailed installation plan, including roles and responsibilities for volunteers and other participants, necessary site preparation activities, and a project schedule or order-of-operations for installation activities during installation day(s).
    • Note, some projects may benefit from beginning work over the weekend, early in the morning, or late at night depending on local traffic patterns and context, weather conditions, or other factors.
    • Installation activities should generally avoid peak travel times, such as during morning or afternoon rush hours.
    • Striping and surface materials will often need to be installed prior to vertical barriers. Consider the length of time needed for application, curing or setting, and reapplication, if needed, in the development of the installation plan.
  • Coordinate with Streets and Stormwater staff to arrange for street sweeping or pressure washing as debris can hinder the ability to apply surface materials or adhere vertical barriers.
  • Coordinate with Parking staff to arrange for temporary parking restrictions and/or to reserve parking spots to avoid conflicts with parked cars and towing away vehicles during installation.
  • Coordinate with the Orlando Police Department to execute the maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans if traffic control is needed.
  • Arrange for any necessary equipment rentals or delivery of materials during installation.
  • Confirm availability of any necessary vehicles or transportation.
  • Arrange for the temporary storage and/or staging of project materials on site during installation.
  • Ensure neighbors are notified about project timeline and installation schedule (see Outreach)
  • Ensure there is a volunteer management plan in place. Communicate with volunteers and confirm installation date, time, and location, as well as appropriate dress attire, required equipment, and safety information.
  • Develop a briefing sheet with key messaging and answers to FAQs about the project.
  • Check the weather forecast, special events calendar, and school calendars to avoid circumstances that may make installation difficult or impossible.

On Installation Day

Installation day rarely goes exactly as planned, so it is important to be flexible and adaptable. Have backup plans in place and be prepared to make adjustments on the fly.


  • Conduct a safety briefing for all volunteers and participants. Safety should always be the top priority on installation day. Ensure that all volunteers and participants are aware of any potential hazards, such as traffic or uneven ground, and take measures to minimize risks.
  • Make safety equipment available to volunteers and staff as needed, such as reflective vests, work gloves, hard hats, face masks, or eye protection.
  • Set up temporary traffic control devices or temporary barricades first so that installation crews can safely work within the project area.
  • Address any safety concerns that arise.

Site Preparation

  • Set up workstations and organize tools and materials.
  • Set up a sign-in table for volunteers.
  • Execute installation activities according to the installation plan.
  • Monitor progress and adjust plans as necessary.
  • Conduct a final inspection of the installation site to ensure safety and cleanliness.
  • Conduct any necessary post-installation cleanup and removal of equipment, tools, or trash from the site.
  • Return any rented equipment or vehicles.


  • Assign volunteers or staff who will be responsible for taking pictures and video of the installation process. Having before/after pictures will be very helpful in telling the story.
  • Ask volunteers to post on social media during their time on site to build community interest and excitement for the big reveal.


  • Make sure that all volunteers and participants know their roles and responsibilities during installation activities.
  • Conduct ongoing communication with volunteers and participants during the installation day(s).
  • Identify a Communications Lead to distribute the briefing sheet to all volunteers and make it available to passersby. Media outlets may also show up to cover the story, in which case the Communications Lead can be the main point of contact. 
  • Debrief with volunteers and participants to gather feedback for future projects.
  • Celebrate the completion of the project and thank all participants and volunteers.

Project Opening/Inauguration Event

  • A proper promotional campaign/strategy should be in place to drive attendance to the event
  • A lead person should be responsible for coordinating with any vendors/performers and their operational requirements
  • If AV and sound is required for the event a proper tech check needs to be scheduled with all parties onsite a few hours before the event
  • If any street closure is planned for the event, ensure permit status and confirm that all is in good standing for the event
  • Events are a good opportunity to conduct surveys with community members and gather their input/reactions about the project. Make sure there are team members responsible to administer surveys.
  • If there are any power requirements to run the event, ensure that power needs are met and/or that vendors provide their own source of power.
  • Events and crowds generate trash; ensure there is a plan in place to provide additional trash receptacles (recyclable boxes/bins) on site and a programmed schedule to pick up trash during and after the event.

Go back to Step 2: Plan Overview