Want to get involved in your community?
Apply to serve on a City of Orlando Advisory Board or Commission. As members, residents contribute to the policy-making process, offering valuable input and review of city programs.
Learn About City of Orlando Advisory Boards
To qualify for a position on a city board or commission, applicants must:
Important: Service on most City of Orlando boards and commissions constitutes the holding of an “office” under Florida law. The Florida Constitution prohibits "dual office holding." If you accept an appointment to a City of Orlando board or commission, and you already serve on another civic board, commission or authority, you may have to resign your position before taking the city appointment.
While you're welcome to apply at any time, applications are only considered when there is a vacancy on a board or commission. Vacancies occur throughout the year.
View Current Vacancies
Our boards have representation from all six city districts. Our boards also reflect the racial, ethnic, gender and age diversity of our community. Before you apply, you're encouraged to explore board details and rosters.
Review Board Details and Rosters
You're welcome to attend any public meeting of a board or commission to familiarize yourself with its duties and members. Use the City of Orlando Official Meeting Calendar to view this week's meetings.
View Meeting Calendar
Some boards and commissions may have more requirements than others. We encourage you to apply for all the boards that interest you. Apply to Serve on a City Board or Commission
The City of Orlando Nominating Board reviews all applications for city boards and commissions, contacts references and schedules interviews for prospective appointees. Upon majority vote, the City of Orlando Nominating Board will then submit recommendations to the Mayor. The Mayor will appoint or reappoint board and commission members with confirmation from City Council. This process can take some time.
Keep in mind:
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