How to Avoid Leadership Burnout

1. Overview

As a neighborhood leader, you are a person of influence with great responsibility for the success of your neighborhood organization. Too often as a neighborhood leader, you are pressured by member and neighbors to know everything happening in the neighborhood, to access every City and County government resource to help the neighborhood and to serve as the neighborhood problem solver. This is an unrealistic role to handle and may easily make you stressed and overwhelmed.

2. Avoiding or Surviving Leadership Burnout

Effective neighborhood leaders are individuals who have the ability to inspire confidence and support among members and neighbors who are needed to achieve association goals.

Being a neighborhood leader should be rewarding, after all you are volunteering your time, talent and skills to make your association stronger and your neighborhood a better place. As a volunteer leader, there are many tricks of the trade for you to use to make your experience as an association president, chairman or board member enjoyable, productive and successful.

One of your best resources as a neighborhood leader is the City of Orlando’s Office of Communications & Neighborhood Relations. To contact this team, call 407.246.2169 or go online to This team of trained neighborhood outreach professionals is able to provide you with association management training, resources and best practices.

Before we talk about avoiding or surviving leadership burnout, you need a pat on the back for serving your neighborhood. “High Five – Way to Go!” You may have felt or are feeling that this volunteer job is draining you and you are not sure how much longer you can serve in your leadership role. Please hang on and consider using the following techniques to recharge, renew and rejuvenate.

It’s tough to be a volunteer leader, especially an association leader. Neighborhood organization members have high expectations of their leadership. An association leader isn’t supposed to get tired or frustrated, or want to throw their hands in the air and say, “To hell with this…I’m going home.” When you’re an association president or board member, you are expected to be a pillar of inspiration and knowledge for your members and neighbors. After all, you’re the neighborhood’s “go to” person and are expected to serve as code enforcer, crime fighter and Neighborhood Watcher, mediator, traffic cop and animal catcher. So, your members and neighbors turn you into the neighborhood super hero who is suppose to let stress and disillusionment roll off your shoulders. Sounds like a lot of pressure for a volunteer to handle on their own and a one way ticket to burnout.

3. What Causes Burnout? 

Burnout occurs when a person is carrying too much load for her/his capacity. The result is the person gets fried.

We can only take so much negative stress before we become physically, mentality, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. The cost of burnout is huge and diminishes our effectiveness and productivity. It damages our health and well-being. It strains relationships and it erodes our spirits and souls.

4. So What's a Stressed Neighborhood Leader to Do?

What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask for help.” – Donald Keough, former President of Coca-Cola

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    Ask for help! Give yourself permission to ask for help. This isn’t a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strong leadership. Knowing how much you can handle and being willing to share your workload and authority with your vice president or other board members will help reduce the pressures of being president. Let your other association leaders know you are on the edge and need time out. You are only human and can take just so much. No matter how committed and passionate you are about your association and neighborhood, you must take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. You owe it to yourself, your family and the association to do your best to balance your role as a neighborhood leader and all of your other roles. You know best what helps you relax and stay balanced.

  • Pace Yourself: Some association leaders burn out because they allow their leadership responsibilities to be all consuming, taking up every bit of time they have. It is important to set aside time for each of the roles you have. Whether you are an employee, employer, a dad or mom, a son or daughter, a sister or brother, it is critical to balance all these roles. Be realistic with the amount of time and energy you have to devote to your association leadership role; stay focused on the realistic annual association goals. Give yourself permission to take time off; you may want to consider “setting hours” each week to do your association work and once you meet the total hour, you are done for the week. Be sure to include activities during the week that helps you relax, even if it is for five or ten minutes – go exercise, dance, sing, garden…do something that you find enjoyable. 

  • Set Annual Goals: Think of the annual goals and objectives as your roadmap or GPS to success. You need clear direction and a measurement tool to make sure you and the association stays focused and don’t get distracted from accomplishing what you set out to do for the year. Write down your annual goals and consider including them on your meeting agendas or posting them at your board and membership meetings. The act of writing down the goals makes it real and more tangible to track. Review the annual goals routinely; this “check in” will keep you accountable to reaching your goals.

  • Delegate and Collaborate: Delegating builds confidence and ownership among members; it is about handing over authority. It is important to move from “I do things for you” to “we do things together.” Being a neighborhood leader doesn’t mean “doing it all yourself.” Successful delegating involves clearly defining what’s to be done and what the outcome should be before assigning the task to someone and clearly communicating this information to the person or committee handling the task or project. Another point to consider is when people step up to the plate and become committee chairs or accept specific tasks or projects, it makes them think about their capabilities of becoming a leader. 

  • Find Another Association Leader “Friend”: There’s a good chance other association leaders are feeling the same way you are and just need someone to talk to about it. Find and cultivate a trusted friend who knows you well enough to call you out when you get whiny, and who you feel comfortable calling out when THEY get whiny. This type of support system can get you through some really trying and stressful situations. The City of Orlando Office of Communications & Neighborhood Relations maintains a list of association leaders and can help connect you with others.
  • Regularly Assess your Commitments: It would be great that as a neighborhood leader you could use an on/off switch. Your leadership job can change often…sometimes minute to minute.

  • Get Away: If things have built up too high, take some time off and do something you enjoy. Go see a movie, visit an art gallery, play miniature golf, walk in the park, or do anything else as different from your leadership position as possible.

  • Decide if it’s Worth it: If you’re constantly feeling frustrated, angry or disappointed, and you aren’t getting the support you need, and you see no end in sight, it may be time for you to decide whether or not your leadership role is still right you. 

5. You Have a Cheerleader - Reach Out

The City of Orlando Office of Communications & Neighborhood Relations understands what it takes to be a neighborhood leader. These teams have a variety of resources that will make your job easier. This team is also great at listening and maintaining confidence. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired and ready to throw in the towel, call them. Associations in the City of Orlando limits may call 407.246.2169 or visit 

6. Stay Informed, Connected and Involved